Well-Known Member
Hey man, super efficient, clean build and good spread, nice work! @Positivity curious what did you mean regarding hole saw? (Edit I think I get what you mean, a one piece shroud with opening for fan?
@tightpockt I think you are right regarding shrouds, probably the most efficient way to implement them would be flat to the surface of the fins and sealed off on both sides of the fan. I may have confused the issue by encouraging only a partial shroud in the case of a fan failure. For long heatsinks, this is what I had in mind for a partial:
View attachment 3426649
However, even with fans at 7.5V it works very well without a shroud. Ops is at 12V so I expect plenty of air as is. Probably the main benefit would be that you could run the fans at a much lower fan speed.
Thats what I was thinking..hole saws come in sizes just right for a fan. But like you said, quite a bit of air does make its way down the fins without anything
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I'm saying that if you just move your existing shrouds to butt against the fan, you won't cover the end of the run. I'd cut new shrouds that went from edge of fan to end of heat sink and mount them tight to the fins. Perhaps the same machine screws that hold the drivers in place would be all you need to also hold the shrouds. I'm not too big on the hole saw idea.
Just ordered my custom cut 5.88x 24.5 sheets. Gonna mount them flush and do this right