First large(ish) grow

I am preparing to do my first large(ish) grow. It's only gonna be 5 plants to start with. Tomorrow I plan on building a grow house in my back yard that will be 4' deep 6 1/2' tall and 7' long. I'm just curious if y'all think this will be large enough? My seeds I'm getting are auto flower AK ready to harvest at 8-10 weeks. It says they only get about 3-4' tall. I plan on lining the inside with aluminum foil to get the reflection off the wall to the plants so not to waste to much light. I'm just curious if anyone has some advice for me as to a set up for me as far as the lights I should use? If this space I'm planing will be big enough and how many plants you all think I could truly fit in this space? Also any idea about how much my utility bill will jump due to this size of a grow? I know it depends on the lights and the power usage. Just looking for a ball park estimate. ANY AND ALL TIPS ARE APPRECIATED! Much thanks!

Joe Buddens

Well-Known Member
Use white paint its more reflective than aluminum foil, in fact aluminum foil is not recommended ever. Auto flowers are fun and easy for beginners but you will get a better yield if you get regular plants, veg, then 12/12. I would say you could fit 4 mid size plants plants with little room to move around. FIM, and LST them to keep them short and bushy for a wide even canopy. I would go with 2 600 watts to save power, or if you don't mind a little better yield but slightly higher energy bill go with 2 1000 watts. 2 1000 watts will or might require some more heat control.
Use white paint its more reflective than aluminum foil, in fact aluminum foil is not recommended ever. Auto flowers are fun and easy for beginners but you will get a better yield if you get regular plants, veg, then 12/12. I would say you could fit 4 mid size plants plants with little room to move around. FIM, and LST them to keep them short and bushy for a wide even canopy. I would go with 2 600 watts to save power, or if you don't mind a little better yield but slightly higher energy bill go with 2 1000 watts. 2 1000 watts will or might require some more heat control.
In the past i just used CFL's and had some good plants going but i had to abandon the grow due to family issues. would CFL's work for this as well?