Hell yea.
Good and Bad news this morning. I'll start with the bad...so I wake up at 8:30 and drive a motorcycle. I haven't rode it in a few days so it needed a jump, I tried to start it yesterday which is why I knew it needed one. So I go outside this morning and see my gas tank flap is up. Get closer to my bike and realize everything. Some fucking jack-ass shoved a flat head into my key ignition, gas tank key-hole, and also ripped my gauges out. No stock gauges on it, it's called a Vapor-Gauge, pretty cool but now it's fucked. I have an alarm on it, a garage to put my bike in, and a glock 27 if I ever catch someone fucking with it. Well, the one night I don't have it in the garage, and didn't arm my alarm...I pay for it. That's the start to my day! So once again, something to spend more money on.
I also took a bunch of pictures for an update today but in the mist of all the bike shit, I forgot it.
Good news is that I'm almost positive my pollen took on the LS, I noticed the pistils on the bud I pollinated look like they're dying...which is good I hope. So hopefully seed production is taking place. I'll get my camera card in a few if my fiance comes to bring me lunch or something. Other than that, everyone looks amazing, almost time to higher my lights even more.
Got to work finally, were I'm typing this after a nice fresh bowl pack of some of that green crack I still got and I'm feeling a lot better. Much better, so hope everyone has an incredible start to their day!