First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!


Well-Known Member
Master Jack has been done already but I can't find seeds or clones, I'd love to grow it for myself though :weed:


Well-Known Member
Man oh Man really good grow you got going here!! They look great good luck!
Thanks BBK.

So the tattoo I did took way longer than I finished after the lights went off...go figure right? So I'll have a an update tomorrow first thing ;-)

I was so paranoid of lights leaks while I was tattooing that I taped up another door of Panda Paper, took it down when I finished, but a lot easier to do than get a bunch of Lady Gaga's if you know what I'm saying.

Have a good night dudes.


Well-Known Member
Well I'll tattoo ya!

Just woke up, didn't plan on going out last night but my girl insisted. Update as soon as I get 2 AA batteries. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Well, not really much to say everything is going perfectly. Unless one of you guys sees something wrong. :-)

I did get really paranoid about when to take males out so I did so and put him into my bathroom until I can collect pollen.

Clones are doing well, and so far 2 out of three seedlings have surfaced. Also I had two Hash Spice seeds germinating and they're almost ready for soil.

I'm probably going to give the WW2 and MY1 another week or so in the VEG tent until they go to flower. :weed:

Here's picture of everything!




Well-Known Member
I know! I've been waiting to move my lights higher so it'll happen soon. I'm going to get a little table or something to bring the others closer to the light.

She wakes me everything morning with her sweet sweet smell. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Just watered the babies and ladies. Everyone got nutrients. :-)

Few pictures, some are starting to become bud porn. :weed:
