First it was Twinkies, now they want to change M&M's too!

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
First, they had to screw around with Twinkie's and remove the Transfats, then Interstate Bakeries filed for bankruptcy. Now Mar's Inc. says it will change M&M's to remove Trans Fats and I suspect removal of the taste too.

Just as long as they leave Butterfingers alone I'll be alright-I think.
Just heard something on the news about Snickers and Twix not making king size candy bars anymore also.

I guess they want to put a limit on calorie count or something.
Someone pleeeeease tell Michele Obama to shut her mouth about healthy food. When I want a treat I want a REAL treat like Big Boy's Hot Fudge Ice Cream Cakes. Yum. Heaven help me if they remove the trans fat from that.

Have they removed transfats from potato chips yet?
Just heard something on the news about Snickers and Twix not making king size candy bars anymore also.

I guess they want to put a limit on calorie count or something.
Michelle Obama is a fat ass, she doesn't know shit about a proper diet. I heard she was trying to get in the Guinness(sp) book for doing the most jumping jacks.
you dont want to see fatty candy bars 120 calorie chips when you got to the 7-11..
Just dont eat em....
First Lady isnt a Political position its a title in name only...
You have no real power stop tryin to change America, your just the wife of somebody important....
In America we used to be Free, and were supposed to be Free...
We are supposed to have the right to eat, smoke , and drink what/when/where/ and however much we want....
If they want to inform people of the dangers of an unhealthy diet, fine with me...
Just allow the citizens the right to choose...
Because in my opinion outlawing a damn Cooking Oil is insanity!!
America is so fat it's stupid. People eat like shit, and become very unhealthy, which costs all of us major money in health insurance costs. It's kind of nice to see some accountability from the people that make all the crap we're addicted too.

Sorry but I agree with cutting out at least some of the garbage in the garbage we eat.
Another Obama over-reach............. letting the government control every aspect of your life.
It pisses me off so bad that companies keep changing things that were great to begin with.. For eg/ Tizer, Lucky-Charms, Nestle Secret, Stella-Artois 5.2%, Mc Donalds Mega-Mac, Hubba Bubba Cream Soda, Monster Munch, Walkers Beef & Onion Flavoured crisps, Wotsits Crisp, Nik-Nak's crisps, and there's plenty more....Why the fuck do companies keep fucking with things that were perfect to begin with ?? If they are so keen to make everything fall into the ultra healthy category for all the fat bastards out there, why can't they still offer the original "nice stuff" to everyone else, so at least we have the choice.. My diets changed so much over the past 10 years and I am not happy about it!

Cold M&M's from the fridge have always been a favourite.. they cant do this to me - they fuckin' can't :( !! - STELTHY :leaf:
Choccy bars in the Uk are getting smaller but prices higher - government doesn't want an obese society.. will it work? Hmmmm...nyom-yom
I often think that products are getting smaller but a the same time many of us ate choccy bars & sweets when we were young.. maybe we just got big & the products stayed the same.. But I know now that they ARE making em smaller!..

& what about 'Fun' size - wtf is that all about? that's no fun at all.. kind of a sick ironic subliminal message