First Indoor Tent DWC Sour Diesel Grow.


Wussuppp This is my first grow journal post and my first Grow. My setup includes

- Grow Hut 4x4
- DWC 5 Gal Black Buckets
- Advanced Nutes
- 400 watt Digital MH/HPS lighting
- Sour Diesel current growing strain.

It is day 7 and Everything all around seems pretty good for my first week. I had great grow about 3 days in. Since then the veg growing has slowed a bit and ive seen a slight folding v action in the top most leaves. I wonder if this is a Nutrient deficiency whereas a specific nute is being used up like MG. Should I focus on adding more MG per week to my 5 gal rez buckets. I will research this. Today is a water change day and i will figure out advanced nutrients calculator a little better. Also need to research the specific grow traits of Sour Diesel and how i can increase efficiency. Thinking of topping the plant in a few days or so.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU..

Looking good.
I am gonna subscribe, sit back and watch the show..
I will be growing the Sour Diesel in the near future..

For strain information look over Whodat's grow journal:

He is currently growing that strain and it looks amazing, feel free to ask him some questions if you have any, I'm sure that he wouldn't mind helping you out.

Peace and Happy Growing


Hey thanks man i subscribed to the other guys thread. I am worried about the so called strong smell from this strain Hope my diy carbon filter does the job.
Hey thanks man i subscribed to the other guys thread. I am worried about the so called strong smell from this strain Hope my diy carbon filter does the job.
yeah, I've heard that too.

I guess I'd rather have a strong smell than crappy weed though. I mean, at least you know you'll have great stuff to smoke...until the cops come....LOL


I am having trouble with my new lumatek ballast. Its not starting up my Metal Halide bulb when used with a timer. In order to get the bulb to turn on i have to plug it in wait 2 seconds, unlplug then replug. It turns right on, seems like the ballast needs a light charge before it can start up..?? anyone have experience with this issue??

Sprayed RO water right before lights out to see if my leaves were just dry. But that does not seem to be the problem. I think it may be MG...

I looked on all my nutrients that i added today

Grow, Micro, Bloom
Vodoo Juice, B-52

and the most any one contains of MG is 1.0%..

Do i have to buy another nutrient to make of for the apparent MG deficiency which is making my leaves V up??

Did a water change today.

Increased my ppm to around 700.

Turned on the super lumens option on my 400w ballast and lowered the reflector a couple inches. I feel more comfortable after going 8 days of healthy growth, confidence is growing..




Day 9 Veg Stage

-Did a water change yesterday with ppm at or around 700.

-I am thinking about topping my girls today and setting up my diy cloner. Is it too soon to top them and use as clones.??

-PH keeps creeping up i set the water at 5.6 yesterday and some of the rez are at 5.8 today going to add some pH down and correct it.

- After 9 days i would say i have good growth not that i have anything to compare it 2. I wonder how much quicker growth i would get with a Aeroponics setup. I have all the parts to DIY it just need the power heads. I would do something like this.

- My root system is doing well but i wonder if i had piranha and tarantula by advanced if they would be doing better? I have carbo load and it says that's to be used with piranha and tarantula. When i did the water change yesterday the freshly made RO water was a bit cold compared to the water they were in prior. The difference i believe was like 20cel to 24cel. Not sure if that was a big mistake or not. But so far i don't see any issues. Since then the water has returned to its normal temp 24cel.




I topped my girls yesterday. They seem to be in shock. I used all the tops as clones but the clones seem very droopy and pissed off. i have been spraying them with RO water as often as i can. I will probably Veg for another 5-7 days then put in the 400 watt hps. I want to try a SCROG so will have to be doing dome low stress workouts on the girls in a day or two.

Ph levels are between 5.6 -5.8. The girls with a ph of 5.6 seem to receive a Mg deficiency which causes the leaves to V up. So i will focus on keeping the ph at 5.8 from now on and see how that works.

PPM are all around 700 which may be a little high as i have some new burn marks on the leaves.

My goal is to grow some roots on the clones and buy a couple bags of fox farms soil or something equal in quality and go plant them in my garden just so i can keep this strain going and always have access to it when i need. Need to research transferring hydro to soil methods.

Girls are starting to really drink to where i can see a change in water level.



Anyone have any comments on my Clones why are they so deflated looking? Also my topping job how did i Do???

After looking at some pics and threads on topping it seems most people cut right above the node that has two stems growing at the same horizontal level on the main stem.. This only seemed to happen once on my plants at the first node. Is this a problem?, I figured the highest two branches would just grow upwards and become the new top..?