First Indoor Hydro Shwag Grow w/ Concerns


Active Member
My first time to grow hydroponically and my week old plants are almost 2 inches high. My flourescent 100 watt bulb is no more than an inch from the plants is this alright or are the plants growing too fast? Need info Please HELP!! Thankx


Well-Known Member
sounds like a little stretching i would add more wattage by placing a few more bulbs. It wont hurt and you are going to need them soon enough.


Well-Known Member
Wait a min. are you complaining that your plants are growing to fast. If they grow yay we want big plants so what help do you need........Plus why are you growing shwag lol couldn't get anything better or what


Active Member
Basically the shwag is what i got i havent been able to aquire primo genetics yet thats the next step in the evolution of my grow room. My biggest concern is if the plants are getting too leggy which i don't want my question relates to the fact that this is my first indoor grow which has a vastly different approach than conventional outdoor culture. I'm trying to determine if my plants are normal by indoor standards. So if the plants are doing as expected for indoor growth then I'm alright if not then what specifically should I do. Thanks


Active Member
preciate the advice to answer your question I havent gotten in pics yet i plant too also we havent yet installed a fan but ventilation seems to be alright for the time being the plants are in a fairly large environ with a mylar coated walls. also do you know any good strains that i should be made aware of?