FiRsT iNdOoR hAwAiI gRoW


Well-Known Member
It took me about 8 hours to chop the rest of my plants. Can't wait to make some oil with my trimmins...

These are my seedlings that were put in flowering room directly after sprouting.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
right on bu... get it up and going for the next one!! can't wait to see the grow this time around!! you still doing indoor or are yuo moving the operation outside......or both?


Well-Known Member
i like your setup! we both run 600 hps but you should also have a small batch growing outdoor if you live in Hawaii:peace:


Well-Known Member
I am new to hawaii so i am still trying to find good zones outdoors for growing. I have found one spot and i currently have a few plants there. One of these days i will bring a camera out to my grow site and snap some pics.


Thanks brah...ehh what new laws is it that your talking about?

Yeah, what a fallacy. That was a very poor choice of words. I should have commented whether June 1st would bring a change in enforcement of your newest cannabis laws. This was my train of thought.

Big Island voted in law regarding cannabis on Nov. 4 '08. June 1st '09 is supposed to be the first report from the county that reflects these changes in law. Sometimes it takes law enforcement a couple years to implement new laws properly. Just look at Cali, CHP had to be taken to court before they stopped seizing medicine. Just cause it was voted in, doesn't mean that LEO respects it. Now we have LEO's own reports to see if they followed through. One more thing is the end of the fiscal year. Budgets change so there might be less enforcement.

Thanks for the correction, must have been the kush talking.
good night.


Well-Known Member
those praying mantis are cool as hell.
i bought 2 cacoons of them a few years back. the saleperson forgot to tell me. that there is up to 500 per cacoon.
they hacthed all at once in my bedroom. they immediatly start eating each other.
anyways if you dont have bugs in your room. with any luck you dont.
he still needs to eat. and water.
lady bugs are beneficial and he will eat them. real cool to watch.
my last one got huge we named him arnold.


Well-Known Member
those praying mantis are cool as hell.
i bought 2 cacoons of them a few years back. the saleperson forgot to tell me. that there is up to 500 per cacoon.
they hacthed all at once in my bedroom. they immediatly start eating each other.
anyways if you dont have bugs in your room. with any luck you dont.
he still needs to eat. and water.
lady bugs are beneficial and he will eat them. real cool to watch.
my last one got huge we named him arnold.
haha Arnold is a good name for a mantis. There are some cockroaches that come out at night and lately there have been more cane spiders right outside my room. Those buggas are huge!

Just got done manicuring my buds, they are all in jars curing now. The total weight came out to 17.3oz. i was shootin for about a pound so it worked out.