First Indoor Grow


I received two small started plants at the beginning of January. They were in tiny containers, and had sprouted. I started them with CFL's but then switched to a 400watt MH. They are currently in a closet and im assuming it isnt very reflective, or could be better. 20130121_174532.jpg
They are coming along niceley, but since I don't know exact age I cant say they are 4 weeks. My guess is they were started close to Jan 1, 2013. I've also been told they are Acapulco Gold. The guy I got them from loved ordering from Barneys Farm so maybe that's what they are.

They currently reside in 1 gal containers, have been "super cropped" once, and receive only water in Fox Farms ocean forest soil. This has gone well... but I feel like I should start adding proper nutes. I think I can follow the Fox Farms nute guide.

When I add nutes, should I place them in bigger containers? 3gal? 5gal? Guess I'm not really sure what my next step is...


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
nice looking plants for 4 weeks is my opinion, but i am a noob so take it with a grain of salt.

I would think a 3 gal pot would be good, you could consider 5 gal in the future.

nutes...most start at 3 to 4 weeks, so yes I think you could start nutes (what type/brand are you going to use?)


Well-Known Member
Start the plants in small containers. That was done. Then gradually increase container size. This promotes faster root ball development than planting in your final container straight away. Now is the time to begin nutrients and I recommend a 1/4 strength feed to start. Feed, water, water. Next feed increase to 50%. Feed water, water. By then it should be time to flower. OPut under 12/12 and give only water for a week. Then a 1/4 strength feed of GROW nutrients. Water, water and then one feed of bl0om nutes at 1/2 strength. Now is when your Beastie Bllomz or Bud Candy or other bud fortifier can actually do what it is intended to do.

NOW - if the plant SHOWS the need for more feed then do it. Otherwise the plant can live, fruit and die without most nutrients added by us.

Again - gradually increase planter sizes to promote better root development much quicker. The rest of the plant will follow.


Looking awesome! Looking specifically at pictures 11 and 12, they look topped and I didn't see any supercropping. Am I missing something? I would being in the 1/4-1/2 strength, probably the lower side since that soil has stuff in it if I'm not mistaken, I don't use it. Really jealous of you, friend! Love the sound of growing AG, I hope to see this through. Good luck.

Edit, just listen to experienced guy above me.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
You should check the cap on your nutes because they often put special numbers hidden under there. Frankly if you can keep your ppm for Boron below 6,000 you should be fine. Watch your relative humidity and don't let it get above 20 or the plants will be too wet and they can catch a cold in their roots. Metal containers are better than wooden ones but don't use any made from iron, they will rust and your plant will fall onto the ground.

My favorite size container is a 6 gallon with a flared top and 7 holes in the bottom. Sometimes a squirrel will become trapped in one of the holes and I'll only have 6 hole which isn't really enough and my yield goes way down. I've been rocking the Purple Panther strain recently and it make Girl Scout Cookies look like dog chow or Kibbles or some nasty strain from Orange County. I trim it to one stem and then twirl it around and around the room which creates a vortex and this captures the Universal energy of the Thetans. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
2 Questions: How tall do you want plants to get, and how long in 18/6 veggin ?

Size of pot will vary. If you have unlimited space, do exactly what Hotrodharley says....
If you are only veggin for 6-8 weeks total, 1 gallon pot is fine...
It's up to you ...


I do believe I'm gonna go with Fox Farms Nutes. Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom. I think following this chart maybe?

Hotrod, you suggest nutes, water, water... I typically water when the dirt is dry (stick a finger in slighty and if dirt doesnt stick i re water.) 16.9 oz of water or so at a time. I havent done anything with the pH, I have been using bottled water, the plants seem to love it. Would I not follow the schedule or is it water 3 times a week?

When I changed containers the first time, I waited until vertical growth seemed to stop, and the root ball was very solid. This was when I added them to the 1gal containers they are in now. vertical growth seems to be slowed now, however as you can see my an leaves are huge. 6+inches on the main.

I'll try and take more pictures tonight, incase I'm missing something. Thanks for the advice and encouragments!


The hood on my lamp is pretty big... So my vertical might be close to 4.5 - 5ft.

I have been in 18/6 for maybe 4 weeks now? I'll let them get as big as possible, except I'd like to get them wider as well.

I must have misunderstood supercropping, and have not done this technique, so maybe I'll just save that for a later date.


Active Member
Hi, I don't see a collecting tray. Do you have drainage holes on the bottom of your pots?


Hi, I don't see a collecting tray. Do you have drainage holes on the bottom of your pots?
Yes, I just do my best not to over water. If the water starts to drain, I place containers underthem to catch. I don't wanna drown em though, so maybe I'm even underwatering?


Active Member
Well you should let 10% of the water come out on the bottom. But try to water the middle of the soil more at first. So will not run down the edges of the pot and make you think it has alot of water when the middle is not penetrated by water.


I did my first fertilizer feed today. 1 tbsp Fox Farms Big Bloom, 1 tsp Fox Farm Tiger Bloom to a gallon of water. The plants soaked it up, and I let it drip out the bottom of the containers so I knew it was watered enough.
Plant 1

Plant 2

This is a spot that I'm a little concerned about. Any ideas?

I'll keep better track of which is which in later posts. Even posting about it is a learning experience.


Active Member
2 Questions: How tall do you want plants to get, and how long in 18/6 veggin ?

Size of pot will vary. If you have unlimited space, do exactly what Hotrodharley says....
If you are only veggin for 6-8 weeks total, 1 gallon pot is fine...
It's up to you ...
LMAO im sittn here gettn stoned readin this thread and i get zoned out... i come back and all i look at is your signature, LMAO that was funny as fuck! some good shit!! lmao


It's been a while... sometimes life keeps you busy. However thought I'd throw a few new pics in the mix... Been on 12's for about 18 days. Full Servings of FF Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. 5 Gallon soft sided "bags". Ocean Forest Soil... 400 watt MH. Had some yellowing, but got it under control, the undergrowth seems to be very weak, I'm assuming because there is no light hitting it...


I had left them go for a few days after watering, and the new growth was so pretty and neon green.

Any comments are appreciated.


Well-Known Member
You should check the cap on your nutes because they often put special numbers hidden under there. Frankly if you can keep your ppm for Boron below 6,000 you should be fine. Watch your relative humidity and don't let it get above 20 or the plants will be too wet and they can catch a cold in their roots. Metal containers are better than wooden ones but don't use any made from iron, they will rust and your plant will fall onto the ground.

My favorite size container is a 6 gallon with a flared top and 7 holes in the bottom. Sometimes a squirrel will become trapped in one of the holes and I'll only have 6 hole which isn't really enough and my yield goes way down. I've been rocking the Purple Panther strain recently and it make Girl Scout Cookies look like dog chow or Kibbles or some nasty strain from Orange County. I trim it to one stem and then twirl it around and around the room which creates a vortex and this captures the Universal energy of the Thetans. Hope this helps
Is no one going to say anything to this? What does this mean? I can't seem to 'vortex' my mind around any of it....


Well-Known Member
I do believe I'm gonna go with Fox Farms Nutes. Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom. I think following this chart maybe?

Hotrod, you suggest nutes, water, water... I typically water when the dirt is dry (stick a finger in slighty and if dirt doesnt stick i re water.) 16.9 oz of water or so at a time. I havent done anything with the pH, I have been using bottled water, the plants seem to love it. Would I not follow the schedule or is it water 3 times a week?

When I changed containers the first time, I waited until vertical growth seemed to stop, and the root ball was very solid. This was when I added them to the 1gal containers they are in now. vertical growth seems to be slowed now, however as you can see my an leaves are huge. 6+inches on the main.

I'll try and take more pictures tonight, incase I'm missing something. Thanks for the advice and encouragments!
Hotrod is referring to your feed schedule.
Don't feed every time, but feed when you water, then give plain water for the next 2 waterings, then feed again.
DO NOT change you watering timing unless your plant dictates it.
From the looks of it, you are doing just fine deciding when to water like you are.


Here are a few updated photos for the better plant. The other is still on its way, just seems to be slower. I love zooming in on these photos.
