First indoor grow


I have two northern lights growing one is 9 days old and the other is 2 days old

The older one seems to be drooping a little bit and the two little leaves are starting to turn yellow

Am I under watering it?

But the younger plant looks nice so far

Here are some pics

m.jpg This is the one at 9 days

n.jpgThis is the one at 2 days

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
the pictures are blurry, cant see the leaves to well. Looks like the soil is oversaturated tho. hoe big are the pots and how often are you watering?

4 the love of ganja

Active Member
oh man I would say water a little less next time that little thing cant drink that much and when you re-pot put it all the way down to the cotyledon leaves to allow roots to grow along the sides of the stem that's below the surface. I have never worked with MG but I hear nothing but bad things and very few good things.

J and J

I am currently using MC grow potting mix and I am not having any problems, IMO people blame MC for all there bad growing practices. I have heard all types of fabricated stories about how MC soil gave there plants nute burn and caused numerous other problems.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
don't water so much.. Try every 3-4 days.. or stick your finger in soil up two knuckles(about two inches)

-If it feels wet. Do not water
-If it feels moist. Do not water
-If it feels moist like bread. Maybe water tomorrow morning.
-If it feels dry and your plant is not drooping. Water tomorrow morning.
-If it feels dry and your plant leaves ARE drooping, water now.