First Indoor Grow, Need Suggestions


Whats up everyone, First indoor grow and im using:

Soil: FFoF
Lights: CFL's (Plenty of Watts)
Nutes: Big Bloom
Grow Space: Closet
Temp Avg: 75 Degrees
Fan: Osculating

The plant is about 4-5 Weeks old and is pretty short im guessing i had the light real close to the top of the plant. Anyways How does it look? Is there anything I should be doing that you can tell im not doing by the pics? Im not one to get all butt hurt over shit so let me know what to do and im down. Thanks tokers.



Active Member
Yo Og. What strain bro? Do you have Grow Big or any kinda veg nute beside Big Bloom which is a bloom supplement?


Yo Og. What strain bro? Do you have Grow Big or any kinda veg nute beside Big Bloom which is a bloom supplement?
Not too sure on the strain it was from some pretty good kush that a friend gave me after he cloned. All i have is the Big Bloom, I can get anything though if you recommend getting something different.


Well-Known Member
I used straight FFoF soil and I am glad to see you have the same type of leaf burning I have. It's definitely a strong soil and next time I am going to cut it with coco coir and or perlite a bit more. Maybe 80/20. It also has a bit low of a pH so I will add some dolomite lime next time around as well. Good news is the burning/leaf issues seem to go away after a week or so. Make sure to wait a month before you start feeding! Use the Grow Big before BIg Bloom.


Thanks Infdjedi, I will do. And the burn isn't so bad but still a burn and the soil is VERY strong, glad to know you had the burn too haha was the plant a success after the little bit of burn?


Well-Known Member
I am only at week 3 veg (not including 1 week seed sprouting in solo cups). The burning is still going on but My plants look great and are already between 12-18 inches tall and very healthy bushes (I fimmed them all). I started them in solo cups for 1 week, then 2 weeks in 1 gl grow bags, then its been about 1 week in 5gl smart pots so far. I would have to say the latest growth shows a SLIGHT burning at the tips on some, but not all ( I am doing 4 strains) but I am attributing that to the fresh FFoF soil in the newly tranplanted 5gl grow bags. Temps are fine, water is pH'ed going in, humidity fine, so its pretty much all it could be. If it continues after next week then there might be some problem but I don't know what it would be because i havent fertilized them once. I plan on doing the Fox Farms trio, but going to wait about 3-4 weeks after the 5gl transplant before I start at 1/4 strength. So all in all, they look good.