First Indoor grow need help!

Ganja Guy420

Active Member
Ok, so I had about 150 seeds that were givin to me from a friends recent harvest. I tried germinating about 130 of them and none sprouted. I do however have one that just sprouted yesterday from my girlfriend's sister's boyfriend's plants and I threw it into soil the tip of the leaf is turning a bit purple(very slightly) but I'm concerned. What light cycle should I be using and how moist should the soil be kept? Anything useful would help. Thx


New Member
maybe its outdoor weed ? i dont know i did the same and enden up with purple leaf's !

grow on maybe change the ph ? i dont know :D but good luck man !


Active Member
130 seeds didnt sprout? :confused:

you're doing something wrong that is for sure, what temps are you trying to germinate them at?


Active Member
How could 130 seeds not germinate? Crazy.
i tried germinating 25 outside (Cold around this time, 30-50 when the sun is out) left them for a week and nothing...

Moved a few in my grow box (Temps being 70-85) and they popped up in 2 days.

So make sure it is not too cold (Said something about purple, which is also a sign of it being too cold.)


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
That is why, lol. You need to place them on a moist paper towel on a plate, cover with another moist paper towel and then cover that with a plate of the same size. Keep em moist (not too wet) and in a dark place (a cupboard works well). In 2 to 5 days you will see the seeds pop and a root come out. Then you can put it in soil or other mediums. :peace:


Active Member
Ok, so I had about 150 seeds that were givin to me from a friends recent harvest. I tried germinating about 130 of them and none sprouted. I do however have one that just sprouted yesterday from my girlfriend's sister's boyfriend's plants and I threw it into soil the tip of the leaf is turning a bit purple(very slightly) but I'm concerned. What light cycle should I be using and how moist should the soil be kept? Anything useful would help. Thx
if it was flourecent i would say 24 but i dont know that so i would say 14 . oh by the way those 130 seeds some strains do take as long as 2 weeks .if you going to get rid of them i'll take them off your hands . hydro better than dirt.


Active Member
okay....i'm new here but to germinate seeds get a paper towell like bounty and soak it then wring it out until u can't get any water out and open the paper towel and put ur seeds in the middle and start folding it hotdog then hamburger style and put it in a DARK place , if you put it in light u probably won't get any seedlings sprout.....and in about a day you'll have a crack in about 2 days you'll have a root come out and in 3 you should be able to plant.

Ganja Guy420

Active Member
My grow room is under my stairs and the temp is always 85 degrees so its not a heat problem and I did germinate the proper way none sprouted though and now my seedling is dead. Soooo fucking depressing its ok though I was givin more seeds by a friend last night so I'm gonna try them out and see what happens. Maybe the paper towel was too wet I'll wring it out a little more this time. Like I mean I can grown everything else and its mother lol, I guess my skill just isnt thee right now =(
. I'll keep you all posted on my results. Peace and love


Well-Known Member
make sure the seeds are dark in color and dont crack or break when u apply some pressure to them with your fingers.


Active Member
have no fear you learn by your mistake ,dont let your little darlins dry out .there are a lot of ways to germinate beans the way that i like is rockwool to germinate and grow all in the same place you dont have to touch or worry about the root breaking when transplanting you should now that ganja ,i do hydro now.thats how i found out ,the hard way...........chuck