first indoor grow , need advice


ALright this is my first ndoor grow, mainly geared toward autos. I have a few questions before i get on my way .
1. WHat kind of reflecting material should i use?
2. are there inexpensive alternatives to soil that are better to use?
3. How should fans be set up
4. What are the best lights for the job, Im planning to grow around 10 plants at a time
5. Best nutes to use?

any seed bank reccomendations would also be apreciated. Ive looked into attitude speedy seeds and nirvana


Well-Known Member
I'd go with Nirvana Seeds.... Make sure you get to the right one by clicking on the banner in your post. As for the rest of your questions, most of that is up to you. You can get some ideas by reading a grow guide or two and learn about the plant.


Well-Known Member
1....Emergency blankets (walmart sporting good dept) need to master soil before you try other methods. I use an inexpensive Humboldt Soil- nuteless w/ perlite already mixed in.
3....I use 2 centrifugal fans, 1 intake and 1 exhaust. I use a tent. In any grow, you need ventilation....
4....I use T5 for seedlings to about 3 wks...then move to 400w hps (tent)
5...wide choice of nutes around...I use biobizz which is great for autos.....

Dope-seeds .com is a good source for well as attiude...Most of Nirvana's autos are off the market at the present time but what they do have is good beans....


Well-Known Member
1. What kind of reflecting material should i use?
-Mylar, Panda Film, Flat White Paint
2. Are there inexpensive alternatives to soil that are better to use?
-A 5 gallon bucket, an air stone, & a fish tank pump, go hydro.
3. How should fans be set up
-Oscillating at the height of the canopy to ensure co2 is being blown from around the leaves and refreshed often.
4. What are the best lights for the job, I'm planning to grow around 10 plants at a time
-60 watts per square foot is what the pros use. So a 4x4 area = 16 square feet x 60 watts = 960 or 1000 watts. A 400 watt will squeak you by with "fair" amounts of buds whereas a 600 watt will give you a nominal amount of harvest compared to 400 watts. Your best bet is to have 2 x 500 watt lights (if you can find them) instead of just 1x1000 watt. The reason being is that the light is distrusted a hell of a lot better. 2x400 watt lights have better potential than just a single 1000 watt light but it all comes down to your cost and what you can afford.
5. Best nutes to use?
-This is almost like talking about religion in some social circles. Some swear by Fox Farm, others Advanced Nutrients, some like Humboldt, some swear by General Hydroponics and the Flora Series. You need to find out what works for you & your plants that you are going to be growing here.

any seed bank reccomendations would also be apreciated. Ive looked into attitude speedy seeds and nirvana
-Read through the seedbank reviews here:

Oh and BTW, pick yourself up a good growing guide such as; "Marijuana Horticulture" by Jorge Cervantes. $18+shipping on unless you get your order up to $25 then the shipping is free. I have a desk with 8 books sitting on it that range from grow guides to strain guides. I have read 2 other grow books for Kindle on my iPhone & hands down the MJ Horticulture book has repaid itself in buds the best out of any other text I've read.


Thanks for the help guys Ive been trying to find that infoall night, I shold be able to manage a good grow over the next few months. Ive grown out dors, but that seems to be a lot easier than inside. How do you go about making a hydro system with the bucket air stones and fish tank pump? Do i just slap em together or is there a method?