first indoor grow hows it looking? questions also


Active Member
this is my first indoor grow.. just wondering how oyu think its going.. around 5 weeks old.. the leaves are lifting up towards the light a little.. is htis bad? ive got two cfl lights on them.. 28W each.. anyway check the photos.. strain is ruderalis indica.. so auto flowering indica.. cheers!




Well-Known Member
Its a little stretched but looks healthy. You really should get more light on it. Replace those bulbs with some 40w or higher.


Well-Known Member
looks nice and healthy, but I second the above add a couple more 23 watt cfls or replace the two with higher wattage cfls and you will be happy with the results.


Well-Known Member
yeah well no doubt a hid would be best lol, but if your not willing to spend that much money then get bigger or more cfls.


Active Member
yeah.. Im not into HID etc.. i want to grow with cfl only.. much much lower fire hazard etc.. and much cheaper :). Will get some more cfls. Cheers please keep the feedback and any tips coming. Should i bother with fertilizer? would citrus fert do it any good?
well if you think about it the bigger that plant get the morelight you will add and down the line you could have gotten a small hid if you plan on getting more lights


Active Member
I've got an lcdpanel.. would putting the lcd panel and the cfls together do any good? What about if i put the lcd on its side so its shining at the plant from the side and the cfls above?
people use em, i never heard of harvest results from led, i would not use em.i got a 400 hps and veggin withit my plants are l;oving it 3 weeks old and 1 foot with 9 blades


Active Member
what kind of lights are you using.... im using two spiral kind i dont know how much watts though can any one help is this enough and how old is she


Well-Known Member
LCD's don't actually project much light, they just illuminate the screen surface. For the energy that the LCD uses, you could put another CFL in there...Or jump online and buy a 150 watt hps...


Well-Known Member
Ah, LED...I missed that part.

To put it in perspective, the cfl grow bulbs I'm pretty sure are like 1,600 lumens and a 250w HPS is 28,000 lumens. It's hard to compete!