First indoor grow, closet cfl grow currently 210 watts


Hey guys, this is my first indoor grow. First pic in 3 gallon pot is g13 labs purple haze, 2nd pic is g13 labs Nlxhaze1 and 3rd pic is dinafem white widow. The purp is 7 days above soil, NL is 5 days and ww is 4 days. Currently have 5 lights on them, 4 42 watt 6500 and 1 55 watt 5500. I have a few more 42 watt'ers just waiting for them to grow a bit before I add them in. Closet is 4'x4' with 8' ceiling. Using ffof soil with perlite. Gonna use ff trio nutes starting in a few weeks. I think I may have over watered a bit because they r curled over a little. Also, purp is a little lime greenish. Well, any input would be appreciated. I'll post updates every other day or so. Love this site btw, learned everything I know about growing here.



So they are still curled over in the umbrella shape this morning. Also, the purp and NL is light green. Any ideas why this is happening. I haven't watered in 3 days.


This is the purple. Too much light? Not enough light? Temps have been staying between 70 an 85 max. Using tap water ph'ed to 6-6.5. Maybe nute burn from the fox farms? I think the curling could be from over watering but does over watering cause yellowing? Or maybe the opposite, nitrogen def? Maybe add a little big bloom? :-(


ii dP ii

looking good man, maybe a bit over watered but looks good still. I'm using the same soil as you and I also added perlite, someone just told me that you don't need to add perlite to ffof it already has enough. I dunno, just a tidbit I figured I'd pass along.


No one wants to offer advice? I am a little concerned because they have not really grown much the past 2 or 3 days. Shouldn't they be larger after 6-8 days?


Well-Known Member
Not really. Just chillax man an let the plants do their thing. Let the soil dry out between waterings you don't nessicarilly have to water every day I go about every other day or so with my ladies personally. Ur not adding nutes to the water or anything are you?


No nutes though I'm thinking about adding some because they look nitrogen deficient (in my limited experience).


Update: first pic is the purple, she has perked up but still a lime green shade. 2nd pic is NL, third is the WW. Not much progress, just very slow growth. Maybe need to re pot the two in the small cups? The purple seemed to perk up once I put her in the big pot.



So the purple has recovered and is growing nicely. The NL and WW on the other hand are suffering. I just transplanted them both yesterday in a last ditch effort to save them. Hope that works but they may already be too far gone. They have both basically stopped growing, remained droopy and now have purple coming out in the leaves. Any idea why this happened? Pic 1 is purple 12 days old, pic 2 is NL 10 days old and pic 3 is WW 9 days old.



Hey Tngrowman!

When did you do the topping and FIM? How big did you let them grow first?
Trying to decide when to do it was one of the things I had a hard time deciding. How many times should it branch before I stop the top growth???

Looking good!


I topped purp and WW and fimmed NL about 10 days ago, when they were starting their 4th or 5th node. I just topped the purple again a few days ago to create four tops. Will probably just leave the WW with the one top. I fimmed the NL but it didn't look right after a few days so I topped her and now it does look like I'm going to get the 4 tops on her.

Since this is my first grow I wanted to try different techniques with all three plants. The only question now is should I lst or scrog one of them. I don't have space issues, so they can grow as tall as the want. Decisions, decisions!

ii dP ii

if you're using CFLs then LST would be a good idea, better penetration and whatnot. if you let them get tall you'll just need good side lighting though, so it's really up to you.


I decided to just say fuck it and started LST today with my Purple Haze and White Widow. First two are PH last 2 WW. I used cotton twine and tape. All you LST experts out there let me know how it looks? Any advise welcomed. How long do I leave them tied up?