first indoor grow, badly need advice


Active Member
Hey everyone, I'm new to the site and need some advice from a grower with more experience than myself. A friend gifted me six plants that had been germinated and put into soil but had not yet broken the surface. The seeds are in a "moisture control" potting mix, made by miracle grow i believe, that is .21% N (.12% ammoniacal, .09% nitrate). They were potted when I got them so I don't know the PH of the mix and I don't know much about soils. As for light, I currently have four 120W/1200 lumen soft white light, energy star bulbs that have been on 24 hours. Two have reflectors and the others are hanging a foot above soil. The six pots occupy about 3 1/2 sq feet of total area but unfortunatly the only space I have to grow is in the back of a closet thats roughly 5 1/2 ft wide, 6 1/2 feet deep, and 8 feet high. There's also an oscillating fan to control temp. This is my first indoor grow but I have limited experience with growing outdoors, I'm also on a tight budget. What should I do to help care for these these through vegitation and utilize the closet space? Is there enough light with a little under 5000 lumens and is using white light through vegitation bad for THC production? I need some serious help, below are some pictures taken today (four days old). Sorry about the poor quality they were taken on an iphone. Four of the six look healthy and normal, the two I have pictured seem to be growing upwards to quicly making them weaker, I've rotated them so they face away from the light and will hopefully straighten out.



Well-Known Member
You need new lights those are wrong, those dont give the plant the right spectrum . You need some Metal halide or High pressure sodium, But if you on a budget you can probally get by with some florecents


Well-Known Member
go get yourself 1 400 watt metal halide to start off wih.... it will never be replaced, you can always add lights.....

your lighting is the most expensive part but you will not see results without good lights.......

check ebay or craigs list.. you should be able to get one reasonably priced (with balast)...

good luck bud :)


Well-Known Member
i'm not quite understanding "growing out too quickly"????

if its leaning u can push some soil up to prop it, and use a small fan to help strengthen it...


Active Member
Are the lights alright for the time being or are they harming the plants potential yield? It seems like the other four are starting alight, if I were to invest in a 400W metal halide is there a good time to transition to it? And does anyone know anything about the soil?


Well-Known Member
you dont NEED a high priced light bro, these guys all just know the advantages and i agree, i need one myself but, first of all, those "flood fluroescents" are garbage ass shit, at least get real CFL lights, the spiral ones, get enough of those and you can easily rival if not, OUTyield a high pressure sodium grow under the same conditions, cause you can have multiple cfl's in different spectrums, placed within the plant almost they can get so close

either way, if you have the money buy an HPS with a MH conversion bulb, thats your primo choice, if your a broke ass mafucka like me, id go with CFLs


Well-Known Member
^^^What Canna said, but most importantly get rid of those bulbs. Your plants are stretching , the light needs to be closer, and you can't do that with those lights. JMHO:joint::peace: