First Indoor Grow and Needs to be hidden - Need help!

So this is hopefully going to be my first grow, i'm 18 and need help. I've been thinking about growing for like 3 weeks now and im pretty sure its the best thing to do.

So my idea is this, I've got this 2 and a half ft Cabinet in my room. It has 2 sliding drawers that come out. I was thinking of cutting off the drawers but then just leave the handles so it looks completley normal. But then fitting hinges onto the drawers front so it turns into more of a door.

I was then thinking of linning the cabinet with tinfoil and drilling 2 holes on the side of the cabinet for the socket where the 2 lizard lamps will be going.

I also was thinking about putting a sort of stand with a bucket kind of thing under the plant it's self to collect any drips or dirt.
Now i was also thinking of a fan inside the cabinet but im not too keen on that.

But heres the twist.. I've got 2 parents that i know i smoke dope. They are okay with me smoking it and dont have a problem with it. But, im not sure growing a plant will go down well, but im planning on confronting them about it and having a conversation about it and how we can come to terms with it.

But any advice would be great, if anyone has ever done this kind of thing before Please! TEACH ME! :blsmoke:

One Love! :joint:
I think confronting your parents about this first would be the best thing. If they dont approve of it then you dont grow. Just wait a few more years then grow in your own privacy. If you decide to grow without telling them and they find it then you will be in deep shit.

I think you should get some cardboard boxes and stack them on top of each other, do a little cutting and glueing/taping so it looks like a bunch of boxes stacked on top of each other but it is actually one big box and do all the stuff you were gonna do to your cabinet then stick it in the closet out of sight if you decide to grow in secret.

I live with my parents and am on my first grow also. I grow my plants back deep in the forest behind our backyard. Much better hiding place.