First indoor grow. 400w hps, Bluetooth, Galaxy God Bud

Park Orange

"Helping a friend" with his Green Lab. I will edit this post to add more details later. Basically what we have here is 8-10 2 Gallon drinking water containers filled with lava rock and pearlite running on a hydroponics system. The containers have been painted black so light will not disturb the roots. Ordered 10 Bluetooth seeds from and they tossed in 15 Galaxy God Bud seeds for free! Being our first time it was like christmas to us :bigjoint:


Park Orange

This was the first Bluetooth we germinated. We started out with the seedlings under 2x40w floresent lights. They progressed slowly, and then Bluetooth 1 and Galaxy God Bud 1 started to look ill. Our HPS system arrived, so we set it up, and put them to work under it in hopes they would turn around. Increased the nutes from an 1/8 solution, to a 1/4, and now to 1/2 hoping it just needed more nutes.


What nutrients are you using? If you can afford to buy these things

General Hydroponics 3 part N.P.K
GH Kool Bloom
PH Down & Up

And if you have 250$ sitting around go get you a TriMeter it measures PH,EC,and PPM/TDS

If you cant get the tri meter buy a ph pen.

Nice job upgrading to HPS too buddy it will help a bunch. Make sure you are getting fresh air and your canopy is staying around 75-80 degrees F.
(Window AC units are perfect!)

Happy growing and good luck!


Active Member
I am not the most experience of growers.. but I always thought it was a bad idea to give your little babbies nutes when they are young? You need to wait at least 3-4 weeks through veg before nuting.. I think thats why they are looking the way the are.

Park Orange

scottster, When growing in hydrophonics there is no nuteriants in the grow medium. The plant gets all its nutes from the water. So yes, you have to use a weak solution.

In this case, my friend wasnt using the right solution. You could see the lack of nitrogen in the pale green leafs. So he set the project aside, and transplaned to some good soil and they have REALLY turned around. This site says if youre a noob, start with soil. Man, they were not kidding!

Park Orange

Not posting anymore. No point incriminating myself with photos when the community is going to act like douche bags. Ill just read, and mooch info without giving any in return like others.
Later RIU!


New Member
lol you seem whiney.... get used to it like 75% of the people on here are morons...

looks like your friend saved the grow. good luck.

Park Orange

Lol see? Cock sucker.

I dont like douche bags, or ass holes. I dont share information with ass holes or douche bags. I dont risk getting busted for ass holes or douche bags that act like 12 year olds on forums. I dont have to, "Get used to it." Kiss my dick.


This guy claims that everyone on here is douches but the way he's acting is completely uncalled for. so you sir are the DOUCHE!!! RIU fuck this guy!

Park Orange

The bluetooth is my favorite from this crop <3 smells dank, tastes great, and has a nice clean high.
My ggb isnt couchlock, its BEDlock, straight sleeper bud. Im going to try cutting when the trics are milky this time to see if its any better.
Ill post some pics of the jars later-

Happy 4/20!