First Indoor Grow 400 Watts HPS

I just got my Apollo 400 watt hps and set it up on tuesday, its now friday and the growth has been incredible. I flipped the lights to 12/12 when I setup the hps so im only 3 days into flower but the plants are growing much faster than i've ever seen a plant grow. I'm running 5 females and just started a 12/12 from seed DWC in the corner of the closet. I also have a 42 watt(2700k) cfl hanging to the side. I'm aiming for .75g per watt and up

I have flowered and harvested around 10 females outdoors, all but 3 of them were 12/12 from seed, and relatively small plants overall.The plants I have in my closet going into flower are the largest i've ever vegged a plant. The only nutrient i use is Dyna-Gro Grow, it is badass and really easy to use, it also produces some really crystally buds. All of my plants are from bagseed and two of the girls in my closet came from seeds from a purple bagseed female who I pollinated with an indica dom male. I call this bagseed cross Mexican Candy, heres the female I got the seeds off
mexican candy.jpg
That was her top bud, she was 12/12 from seed and was small but the color and smell of the buds was awesome :joint:
Im down to four plants in the closet now,the largest plant at 36 inches turned out to be a late showing male. Happy I got him out fast needed some extra space in there. Out of the four left two of them are definetely female, they have hairs popping everywhere. The one on the right who is mainlined for 8 tops has female preflowers but no hairs yet. And the fourth girl is shoved into the corner on the left,she has had hairs popping everywhere the past couple of days but now i've spotted one baby male pollen sack so i'm debating on whether or not to chop it.
All four plants now have white hairs and they are multiplying daily, they have also slowed down on stretching which tells me that buds are just around the corner.:joint: Here is my two biggest girls chillin under the HPS, they are both 34 inches as of today. The girl on the right was my shitty attempt at a mainline, all of her tops are growing so unevenly due to complications in veg and now her dominant tops are just leaving the others in the dust. She looks extremely sativa to me and I have a feeling she will flower for atleast 10wks:-|

This girl here is my favorite at the moment, she has a couple hairs that are damn near golden in color and she in so content on bushing out into a multi-cola mini bush =) She originally began flowering outside but once I sexed her I chopped her head off and vegged her another 1-2 weeks. She now has 6 tops popping out where I topped her, which is so crazy to me:-o

And here is my fourth girl, or hermie. I had found a single ball growing on her a few days ago which I promptly removed and I haven't seen another since. She has hairs popping like this from every budsite.

And attached below is some random pics from previous grows and a pic of one of the most gorgeous girls i've ever seen, found the pic on a hot girl thread on a long time ago and stumbled across it again just now so I figured i'd share =p



Beautiful man, doing well! And yeah, she's fuggin hot man....I live in the middle of nowhere, I wish one like that would come through here and stick around haha.
Here is my biggest girl, right at 4 feet tall. I pinched her stem a couple days ago and tied her down to slow her down a bit. CHECKIT1.jpgCHECKIT3.jpg

This plant is my favorite. She showed her sex outdoors and then I cut her top off and vegged her for another week before flowering. Now she has a lot of branching and a crazy amount of budsites, ill get a pic of the crazy budsites soon.CHECKIT.jpg

Smallest plant and furthest along in budding, she was left outdoors for more than a week and showed her sex out there then I moved her inside to bud her. Shes starting to smell already and has nice crystals already.CHECKIT2.jpg
End of week 3 and the stretch is over, had to tie down my tallest girl to get her some light. week 4 #2.jpg

Looks like i'll have some nice colas on this one. The buds and leaves smell skunky week 4 #6.jpgweek 4 #4.jpg

My smallest plant here, expecting about an oz. Her cola is very dense and has a very fruity aromaweek 4 #!.jpg
This is the same strain as the small one, but diff pheno. shes more indica than the smaller one and she is producing large flowers and trichs rapidly. Her buds are also very dense with a fruity scentweek 4.jpg
Hey guys, im 5 and 1/2 weeks into flowering and everything is starting to pack on some weight. Looks like ill have some nice colas this round, hopefully ill get one of those awesome 16oz bottle sized colas FRIDAY7.jpgFRIDAY1.jpgFRIDAY4.jpgFRIDAY5.jpgFRIDAY8.jpgFRIDAY9.jpg And here is my little bush packiiiin on budsFRIDAY2.jpgFRIDAY3.jpg
and my heavy sativaFRIDAY6.jpg

Its hard to get a pic of all 4 of my plants in the same pic but from what yall can see what do you estimate my final yeild will be? The buds are all very dense except for the heavy sativa, only her top buds are dense so far
Hey guys I could really use some of your input on a big problem going on in my grow room at the moment. I'm currently out of town and have my bro taking care of the plants for me. Earlier today he told me that the lights hadn't came on yet, they are set to turn on at 8am but were still off at 1pm due to a power cord blowing out. At that point he got the lights turned on and I had him pull one of the three girls due to her being hermie prone.

I thought that would be the end of the problems but the timer also messed up and the lights stayed on till10pm when they should go off at 8pm, he doesn't know how to set my timer so he will have to plug/unplug the lights himself until I get back in 2 days. This is obviously going to screw up the light cycle big time and I'm worried about plants going hermie or even losing potency, the plants are on day 51 of flower so my question is whetther or not I should just pull all plants now or give them 2 mores weeks
I think ill just have him pull them, unless anyone thinks they will be fine. I have a feeling they may try to revenge or just stunt