first indoor grow 11 days flowering(pics)


Active Member
Well i started this grow outdoors but there just isnt enough sun anymore plus i started kind of late for an outdoor grow. But now shes under 4 23watt 2700k 1 13watt 2700k and 2 26watt 5000k cfls. Is this to much light for one plant? Also lemme know what you guys think about my setup. i think im running somewhere between 9000 lumens and 12000. Ill start flowering nutrients tomorrow, this will be her first dose. all criticism is welcome.


luvvin growin

Active Member
she'll thicken up some under the more intense light,and once you get her on a bloom cycle,she'll give you a good yield.What strain?


Active Member
Just some bagseed, she went through hell outside thats why shes so small but shes still truckin it. i should start my flower nutes at one half or one fourth strength?