First indoor Closet grow.. how's it going?


Well-Known Member
So, i started my first serious grow. Its a closet grow for just one plant for now. They are about 2 weeks, small for that age but they had a rough start with only one 13w cfl and me not knowing what im doing.

Now I have 8 23w 6700k cfl's, scotts premium soil mixed 50/50 with perlite. they both have very minimum nutes. Im using a very low low dose of colorburst 15-30-15 nutes with PH balance tap water. soil and water ph are around 6.8 right now.In addition to the CFL's I plan to add a 100-175w MH soon then a 150w HPS for the flowering stage. Temp's get down to 75 at the lowest at night, and 87 the highest during day.

Soo feel free to give me any input and be easy as its my first real grow. Sorry the picture quality is bad, its from my cell phone I will try to get better ones.



Well-Known Member
O btw the lights are currently on a 18/6 cycle with a digital timer and the plant is just from some bagseed, I have some good shit coming from Attitude.


Well-Known Member
Looking good so far mate. Ive subscribed to this thread, wanna see how it turns out. I use cfl's to but there 125w and i use 3, the ones with the big E40 socket so far they've done wonders. If your growing only one or two plants at a time then a good site to buy your seeds is you can buy just 1 at a time if you like its great, dont ship to the US tho


Well-Known Member
So i was bored, decided to go ahead and upgrade the setup to include a 150w HPS. So off to lowes I went, bought a home security light and converted it to be remote ballast and there ya go... 150w HPS setup for $85 plenty good enough for one or two plants.... not just gotta deal with the extra heat from this thing..


Active Member
well, atleast we dont have to say you need more lights! That little baby is gettin spoiled! BTW, how much was the hps light from lowes?


Active Member
Where did you find those bars that hold the 3 CFLs, and how much were they a piece? Great set up btw,she's gonna grow to be a strong smelly lady if you keep spoiling her this way :blsmoke::peace: What strains do you plan on ordering?

white boy smurf

New Member
Try to keep your temps below 85. Thats the temperature that THC stats to break down. So it will still grow fine but the thc levels in the plant wont be as potent as possible. Good luck


Well-Known Member
yeah im tryin to get those temps under control... and i spent like $85-$100 in total at lowes. the bars holding the 3 cfl's are just power strips. I have ordered Power Skunk, White widow, and purple kush (the power skunk was free with order)


Well-Known Member
BTW im havin trouble fighting the temps so thinking about loosing some the lights... what you guys think? For sure not geeting rid the HPS, maybe some or all the CFL's to get the temps down.. any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
dont get rid of lights. you want as much as possible. get an exhaust fan, it will work wonders. if you want a cheap one go get a bathroom exhaust fan. im running two 150hps in a 4x4x4 room and i have constant temps of 72 daytime,68 night. get a circulating fan and an exhaust fan and KEEP YOUR LIGHTS!!! lights r everything for an indoor grow


Well-Known Member
shit even a box fan in the door way pointing out will give you exhaust and help recycle the hot air.... works good if you ask me. Looks great


Well-Known Member
I did have a 120mm pc fan exhuasting up to the top of the closet but it didnt do much, and I also have a tower fan circulating air. Problem is no where to exhuast the air too, cant cut holes here. Ill try gettin a few more fans or bigger ones.


Well-Known Member
about the box fan in door way, i like to be able to keep door closed for when the auto lights come on and off for the total darkness. As for the just one plant, im just testing my hand at this before I move to better seeds on a bigger scale. Work out all the kinks so to speak.


Active Member
If you grow one plant and its a male, you've wasted a lot of time. I germinated 9 plants. When I began flowering, only 2 showed up female, and one is a runt. I made a veg box and now have about 7 more seedlings growing. The only thing you will learn by growing one plant is that you drastically reduce your chances of having a female. Buy some good seeds and plant more, because chances are you are growing a male.


Well-Known Member
If you would read the whole thread you would see I already have some good seeds order'd and on their way. Now this way I will have everything set up when they get here, I have a veg box where i can veg multiple plants.


Well-Known Member
haha ya chances are its either male or female, 50/50, but isnt that always? i have actually germed 6 plants, one died ( which smelled like a baby skunk) and the rest turned out female, so 5/5 female from bagseeds, its a gift :D but really man, about the temps, i had a 400w hps and the temps stayed around 80F but i then added 5 cfls and a flouro and the temps shot up to around 87. cfls say they dont give off alot of heat, but if u cluster them up they seem to add more. idk, just my opinion on that.


Active Member
Lookin good man, is that box just for veg?
if so what does your flowering one look like? what are the dimensions?