First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up


Active Member
Ok quick update I will do my best to ge pics up tonight. So I ended up with 3 females out of the bunch! Not bad 3 out a 4. I needed the space anyways. They have really filled out this past week! Short bushy and green as can be! Nice flowers starting this morning I'm excited to watch them grow! Any clue on what I might yeild off these girls? I've seen that a few of you have pulled up to an oz or so? That would be excellent by me!


Active Member
Well here they are! Lookin good don't you think? I must say so far I'm pleased with their progress but starting to get concerened about space. I know I said I was gonna get into some LST but their shape is so nice I dont want to mess with them. When do they stop growing up and just fill out? That girl in the middle is a beast!

Anyways I hope you all enjoy the pics! I was hoping for some more feed back? Any suggestions to what I might be doing wrong as far as posting or growing? Lol.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
They should stop growing when you start to see the bud start to for at the cola. I remember I put one of mine into flowering when it was 2 feet tall and by the time it was done it was almost 4ft.


Active Member
Ok so I suck! I havent posted in a while and my how things have changed! LMAO! Everything I was tryin not to do happened. Well kinda. I ended up with 3 females that have been healthy up till this point. They are still good but just a few issues with one and some questions about the others.

So they ended up being way over 3 feet tall! More like 4 now. So the lil staelth box at the top of the closet....yeah that had to go! Built a larger one and they out grew that in a week! So now they own the closet pretty much! O well almost home now. Its been an awsome learning experience and will help in future indoors grows.

I have a few pics of them yesterday but nothing to close up. I will work on that this weekend. I need some help with a few things. How much longer and a few issues with health. BRB I need to smoke!:joint:

Ok so heres where I am at. Day 1 was Mar 1 then I started to flower Apr 1. I had no signs of flowers or sex I should say till Apr 13. A few days later I had bud sites forming all over! Was looking good. So today I am a few days past 8 weeks of flowering.

when they outgrew the second box they suffered a little heat burn at the tops. But 2 of them recovered in days afer making the changes needed. One of them has still not come around still?? Leafs are curled under and wrinkled bout half way up the plant. Startin to get browning of the fan leaves and some bud leaves. The flower production has seemed to stop?? After reading I think I may have over done it a bit with the nuits?? IDK> I've been using Age Old Bloom since a week before flowering and have started flushing yesterday. Also have some weird growth?? 3 leaves I understand this is from stress?? And something else I've never seen?? My healthy plant thats covered in bud has fan leaves that are 12 and 15?? Whats up with that?? I've seen 5 7 9? Idk just wonderin? Enough for now heres some pics! Tell me whats up?!



Active Member
A few more things and questions. The tallest plant seems to be way behind? It has just started to really start putting on mass and most of the pistils are white still. Where the other 2 are most red or orange and have much more mass.I'm thinkin that one might stay in for an extra week or two? And the short one is the one that has issues?? You can see the curled under leaves in the pics and it really has no mass compared to the other one. Anyways I've been checkin the trics too. The 2 are pretty milky w no amber and the tall one is still mostly clear so I'm using that as my guide to harvest. So I'm guessing a week or 2 on the pair and a lil more time on the other?? One thought I have is to harvest the small one now and cut my loses?? it would make more room for the other to that seem to be puttin on the weight! What do you think?? And I am waiting for the day that these buds just swell up and get a lil more dense?? Usually the last phase?? Or am I lookin at airy cfl buds?? I forgot to mention I added a 150w hps about 3 weeks into flowering. I was hoping it would help put on some weight? From the looks of it I'll be lucky to pull a dry 2 ozs??? Hope I'm off and I get a little more! I will say it looks and STINKS great:shock:! Nice green frosty and I mean frosty buds! Looks like the funk to me!?


Active Member
Heres a few more pics I just took. You can see the difference between all three in the pics. Still wonderin whats goin on with the curled under leaves on the one?? And a little light on the buds?? What do you think?? How close am I? Guess on a yeild??LOL stupid queston I know but damn. And any cures for the few probs I have during the last few days or weeks??



Well-Known Member
Flowering depends on how tall ya want em wen yer done. From yer dimensions, I'll assume about 4' @ harvest is good fer ya? (The 60" was yer height, right?) So, ya most likely wanna flower @ about 2' in height.
I wud stay w/ the 2700K thru out. Almost evry1 disagrees w/me, yet mine is considered a damn good CFL grow by a few ppl:

I definately agree with staying with the 2700k through the whole grow, that is what i have done with mine, i am currently using 10x27 watt soft white CFLs and 4x42 watt CFLs and my baby is doing amazing, two weeks from light cycle change to 12/12, check out my grow in my sig, as far as heigh goes depends on indica sativa percentage, and the space you have. anyways good luck ima keep up with this one!


Well-Known Member
i would say 2 is a lil high but who knows its hard for anyone to tell by the pics... and buds can be decieving losing 70 percent of their wieght ... anyway they look pretty good for first grow though .... keep taking pics and keep us up dated through harvest and cure :) peace


Active Member
Ok heres some more pics! I had to sacrafice the one that was sick. I wanted to make the best out of the 2 that were healthy. So here they are! Nine weeks and two days into flowering. I have been flushing w straight water for the past week. How close you think I am?? I'm gonna take a look w a 30-100 x zoom this weekend. I have a 15x right now and everything looks pretty mily. So gotta be close??:fire:


Active Member
Well Thank You! I hope the tatse and smoke as good as they look?! The sick one was way premie but after it dries it smoked not too bad! Better than the poo on the streets of DET! LMAO! WHat the hells a guy gotta do to get some more comments around here? I know I havent kept up that good but I figured the eye candy might get me some help?? Lol ANyways tell me what ya think!:blsmoke:


Active Member
Well Thank You! I hope the tatse and smoke as good as they look?! The sick one was way premie but after it dries it smoked not too bad! Better than the poo on the streets of DET! LMAO! WHat the hells a guy gotta do to get some more comments around here? I know I havent kept up that good but I figured the eye candy might get me some help?? Lol ANyways tell me what ya think!:blsmoke:

I am digging it man! haha. Loving it. And yes the eye candy does help. I am on my first grow and just love seeing all the friendly stoners here loving life and their babies! haha.


Well-Known Member
10 weeks 2 days into flowering. I took a look w the scope and everything was pretty clear the other day. But today things are gettin real cloudy! So soon:bigjoint:!!!!
lookin good man id leave them 2 to 4 more weeks to let um fatten up! looks hella sativa some times they take up to 14 weeks!


Active Member
lookin good man id leave them 2 to 4 more weeks to let um fatten up! looks hella sativa some times they take up to 14 weeks!
Oh hell yeah super sativa! Idk what the hell I got here?? My buddy gave these seeds to me and told me they were some kind of Blueberry? Idk tho. I dont plan on jumpin the gun and hackin em down yet. I'm keeping a real close eye on them tho. Still clear but startin to get cloudy. I was really hoping to be done w this grow by now. But hey I didnt come this far to screw it up! My whole frakin house absolutely REAKS! Thats the bad part tho. Lots of lessons learned on this grow 4 sure. My fuckin neighbor made a comment about smokin too much the other day. Thats got me a lil worried but f his nosey ass. I'll stop the stink when he stops beatin his woman!Asshol*! So in othe words I hope they hurry up but I'm glad that their gonna get the chance to pack on more weight! And I thought I was gonna grow some 2 foot tall nuggets! Ha ha jokes on me! O well! I will say it smells extremly strong for only 2 plants and looks amazing to me! So I think i will be great smoke! I sampled a bit from a piece that i had to prune and man it tasted good! So soon coming!:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Oh hell yeah super sativa! Idk what the hell I got here?? My buddy gave these seeds to me and told me they were some kind of Blueberry? Idk tho. I dont plan on jumpin the gun and hackin em down yet. I'm keeping a real close eye on them tho. Still clear but startin to get cloudy. I was really hoping to be done w this grow by now. But hey I didnt come this far to screw it up! My whole frakin house absolutely REAKS! Thats the bad part tho. Lots of lessons learned on this grow 4 sure. My fuckin neighbor made a comment about smokin too much the other day. Thats got me a lil worried but f his nosey ass. I'll stop the stink when he stops beatin his woman!Asshol*! So in othe words I hope they hurry up but I'm glad that their gonna get the chance to pack on more weight! And I thought I was gonna grow some 2 foot tall nuggets! Ha ha jokes on me! O well! I will say it smells extremly strong for only 2 plants and looks amazing to me! So I think i will be great smoke! I sampled a bit from a piece that i had to prune and man it tasted good! So soon coming!:eyesmoke:
those plants are either sativa or you let them stretch to much. i think a little of both happened. they look like a kickass strain. what is it, do you know? i was lookin at one of the pics and if you cut the cola bud{ the top most bud} completely off and cure. you can still grow the rest of the plant and get double what you would have off the bottom if you didnt cut the cola off. the cola looks ready. but the bottom , where it is bushy looks like stringy buds, so if they were moved up after cola taken off they would fatten up nice. just put them as close to the lights as possible. nice job bro.


Active Member
Well here it is! Not what I expected. But I'll take it! Might have got 1/1/2 to 2 ozs?? Idk we shall see. Anyways it smells and looks fuckin awsome! Smokes great tho I tasted a little sample and WOW! Better than what you can get your hands on around these parts these days! So all in all. Great learning experience and a hell of a bag if you ask me!! Thanks for all the help! I'll try to keep a better tread on the next grow! Coming soon! Clones alrady going!:joint:

