First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up


Active Member
Alright I've been meaning to post for a while now. I'm a big fan of all yor guys work! Big and small. I'm just gonna throw out there where I'm at and I will be posting pic's this week.

Started on March 3rd and all seedlings were up on he 6th! I started with 8 but have narrowed it down to 4 solid specimens. Seeds are an unknown strain of kush but it is by far some of the best smoke I've seen in my area in sometime!

Heres what I'm workin with:
- 60" x 20" x 26" grow area constructed of sheathing 1" thick. Just something I had lying around. One side is white and the other is a reflective dimpled surface. I went w the reflective side in. By the way this stuff is very easy to work with. Insulates, reflective and very easy to make fitted cuts for hoses, fans or whatever you may need to run in and out.

- Lighting I'm using 26w 5500k Cfl's X 4
- I just added 2 more 2700k today for the hell of it.
-Lights are all within 2 inches w reflectors for now
-I'll be switching them all to 2700k in the next week or two that is one of my questions. I was thinking of mixing a few 5500k in there as well? And when to switch to flower? I think I'm about there due to my space restrictions.
-I will be adding a few more lights soon too I was thinking 10 total?
-Soil is Fox Farm and I have just started feeding with Age Old Bloom since I am so close to flowering.
-Just transplanted yesterday into 1gal containers

Well thats what I'm working with. So far I have 4 super thick and bushy hopefully girls. They are between 5-7" tall. I was on 24 hours and just switched to 18/6 a few days ago with hopes to make em stretch just a bit. Like i said these (girls) are super bushy for thier heigth w lots of side branching. I think you al will be impressed with my progress with repect to my set-up once I get these pics up. I haven't seen many plants this thick and green on cfl grows! Let me know what you think. How soon would you flower? All comments and suggestions needed and welcomed!


Well-Known Member
Sounding real good man, I wont comment on when to flower and all that as I am hardly qualified.

I have been telling alot of CFL growers about the 68w (300w Equivalent) CFLs at home depot though, I just cant help it theyre so great. Its about the size of a football and fits into the same socket that your smaller ones are in, and its only $15!! Its a 2700k bulb and would be PERFECT for you for flowering, I will have 2-3 hanging in between & above my hopefully 4 healthy ladies, with some 30w 2700k bulbs down the sides. When it comes to CFL, from what Ive seen the more the merrier, as long as you dont set your house on fire :)

Good luck Ill stay tuned :)


Active Member
Well here they are! Tell me what you think! Almost 6 weeks in and 4 days into flowering! I think they're loking good. No signs of girls or boys yet. Thinkin positive!



Active Member
Shit forgot to give an update on everything I got so excited about getting the pics to upload! What a pain my computer sucks! Damn short term memory isn't serving me well either! LOL

Anyways here it is. I switched all the bulbs over to 2700k and added a few for a total of 10 26w cfls. Still feeding with Age Old Bloom but not in the past 5 days. I think I may have over done it the first few times? So back to it tomorrow maybe?

I'm hoping I switched them over in time too? My tallest is 9" but 15" in the pot. That leaves me 11 more inches of grow height. Depending on how many females I end up with and hopefully thats all of them I was considering some LST? I've had much success with this outdoors for those monsters that like to poke their tops over the fence! Lol. Actually seems to yeild ALOT more from my experience?

Thats it for now! I'll keep ya posted! Come on be lady's! Please! Tell me what you think?


Active Member
Anyone got a guess as to what I might expect to yeild from one of these girls? Just wondering what anyone else's experience may have been? Thanks!

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
With the limited space you have, flower them now. The cfl's make nice short bushy plants while you're veggin but don't let that fool you, they'll take off when you flower. Triple in height if you dont top em, maybe more. I've got a similar setup w/42w & 26w 2700k doubled up in reflectors. Lot more room though, and it still gets cramped. I usally top right above the 4th node and leave 8 side shutes, it makes a nice bushy plant that will use the space well.
With any luck your plant will yeild about 1-2 oz.


Active Member
With the limited space you have, flower them now. The cfl's make nice short bushy plants while you're veggin but don't let that fool you, they'll take off when you flower. Triple in height if you dont top em, maybe more. I've got a similar setup w/42w & 26w 2700k doubled up in reflectors. Lot more room though, and it still gets cramped. I usally top right above the 4th node and leave 8 side shutes, it makes a nice bushy plant that will use the space well.
With any luck your plant will yeild about 1-2 oz.
Thanks for the advice! I'll take all hat I can get since im new to indoor grows. Especially with tight spaces to work with. I'm not to sure about topping? Im still a rookie and would hate to kill these girls. I've had lots of success with LST outdoors and was thinking I may do that if it gets tight? And if i can get and ounce or two from these I will be HAPPY! That would work for me! Kepp the pointers comin please.


Active Member
Thought might get more replys with some pics? Lol! I'm looking for all the comments and thoughts you guys can throw my way.

Still waiting on them to show their sex. And when their ready I want to clone these bad girls! The blueberry kush is some of the better grass thats hit my area in a LONG time. I wanna keep it around and put a few grow buddys on it! Any suggestions there? When, how etc. Thanks for anything and everything!


Well-Known Member
With the limited space you have, flower them now. The cfl's make nice short bushy plants while you're veggin but don't let that fool you, they'll take off when you flower. Triple in height if you dont top em, maybe more. I've got a similar setup w/42w & 26w 2700k doubled up in reflectors. Lot more room though, and it still gets cramped. I usally top right above the 4th node and leave 8 side shutes, it makes a nice bushy plant that will use the space well.
With any luck your plant will yeild about 1-2 oz.
I could not have said it any better Bud. I was shocked when my plant grew to 6 times her size when I was flowering. She was beautiful, stout and bushy when I flowered at 4 inches tall. That plant is now taller than 3 feet! I guess the AK47 strain don't like being grown indoors, being forced into flowering at such an early stage!

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
I could not have said it any better Bud. I was shocked when my plant grew to 6 times her size when I was flowering. She was beautiful, stout and bushy when I flowered at 4 inches tall. That plant is now taller than 3 feet! I guess the AK47 strain don't like being grown indoors, being forced into flowering at such an early stage!
I have learned the hard way also. lol


Active Member
Ok so I've been on 12/12 for 10 days now and no positive signs of sex? One with some real fine pistils that look familar but nothing yet? Any ideas on why? I'm gonna post some pics tomorrrow its lights out right now. EVerything is looking as healthy as ever and growing out of control! Should've flowered sooner I'm running out of room fast! probaly get to some LST soon.
Help me out. Just late bloomers?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I've been on 12/12 for 10 days now and no positive signs of sex?
Help me out. Just late bloomers?
10 days is not late at all. My plant took 14 days to show sex. This is common for grows where you don't allow pre-flowers to develop (force flowering). If you get to 16 days and still no sign then I would investigate to ensure that you don't have a light leak (the plant must have absolute darkness for 12 hours).


Active Member
Ok here ya go 10 days into flowering! Looking healthy but no signs of sex yet? I had a few suspects but it just ended up being new growth. One looks possible male to me not sure yet though.

Hope they look good to you! So far I'm proud of how they turned out. Oh and the one thats all pruned up on the on side. Yeah had a lil accident with the lights one day while is was changin somethings around! Sux but no biggie I' runnin out of space as it is!



Well-Known Member
Doesn't look positive male yet - give it alil more time. Awesome looking plants - really really healthy. Props man.


Active Member
Doesn't look positive male yet - give it alil more time. Awesome looking plants - really really healthy. Props man.
Thanks! Ok so they showed themselves this morning! My male suspect was DAMN! Anyways hes got little clusters of Balls on the top few nodes. Hes outta of there! I needed some more room anyways. He was one of my favorites (super indica) I really wanted that one. O well. That much better for the other 3 GIRLS that also showed there pretty little pistils this morning! So on to the best part....watchin the flowers grow! Pics and more post coming soon! Keep the advice coming too! I need every bit of it!