First Impression & Solution?


New Member
Hey all !

I've got an odd issue here which I am unsure what is causing it.
A few of the leaves (in the lowest region of these plants) in several different plants have the tips of their leaves turning upwards with one even pointing downwards.

The odd thing is that the one pointing downwards is on a same plant that has another leaf with the tip pointing downwards. I've specifically highlighted this one in the pictures attached.

I'm thinking a possible nutrient abundance, a heat issue, or mg issue - not sure. So insight here would be most appreciated.

The plants are primed for switching to Flowering but then this issue came up as I just noticed today. Was hoping to switch to flowering today :(

Here is some additional info:
Duly attached (4 PICS)

2) Growing indoor or outdoors -
Indoors - temps have been in the 77 - 79 region half the time
But lately as in the past two weeks 78 - 85 region

3) Watering schedule -
Once every 3/4 days - each plant receives 3/4 gallon per watering with approximately 150 - 250 PPM at this point. Nutrients are a mix of humic acid / iron / mg
1/4 - 1/2 strength overall (throughout the veg cycle)

4) Growing Medium -
1/2 General organic soil - 1/4 worm castings - remainder a mixture of perlite/compost

5) What stage of growth
Late veg - primed for flowering switchover

Pics attached


can you post pictures of the whole plant as well? not sure which scale ppm you're using, but IMO late veg 1000pm is great. It doesn't look like heat stress by the looks of the whole leaf, but I think seeing the whole plant might help more.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry much about those lowest leaves. But, wtf is going on with your soil? It looks like Owens Lake during a drought. It's pulled away from the container a good 1/2" all the way around. Your plants don't look underwatered/wilting. But, wow.