First hydroponic grow and want opinions


High everyone this is my first post so bear with me...
first ill give you a little description of my setup (pics when i get home)

Ive got a 55"x55"x72" tent with
2 lumatek 1000w digital dimmable ballasts with mh and hps bulbs
2 "xl" hoods (theyre 22"x30" with 8" vents but no glass and 1 glass holder is gone)
Ive got 1 large indica dominate thats in her 2nd week of flower(or close to it she was vegged outdoors till sexing)

Ive recently setup an 8 site hydro setup like the folowing
9 5gal buckets with the center being the control
10" net pots with hydroton
35gal res with a 250gph mag drive pump and another in the control bucket for return
res has the largest air stone i could find and each of the 8 sites has a small air stone as well as theres about 3/4 to an inch of water after the drain.
Feed and drain are 3/4" and theres 2 drains per bucket with 4 in the control.
The feed goes to a rain drip 8 way adjustable splitter to 1/4 in drip rings.

I have 2 digital timers for both pumps and was going to time it so the feed turns on for 15min to feed then i was going to let the nute solution sit for 30 min with the bubbles running the whole time, then at the end for 15min pump everything back to the res.

I have a general organics go box for nutes but dont have any ph up/down but heard i could use vinager and baking soda... Is this true???

Now for some questions
My setup has properties of dwc, ebb and flow, drip, and wick systems.
Which is it considered???
i currently only run 1 light at 750w with a lasko u12100 fan on 8" duct to the light and 8" venting out and my temps stay around 78-82 if i run the light at night. For veg i know light is 18/6 so it will have to be on during daylight. If i get the glass for the hood and hook another fan to the tent with a passive exhaust and a filter should i be alright to run a mh at 1000w and be ok???
How would i run co2 with all the air from the fans sucking it all out???

Sorry for the long post but im getting excited!!!
keep tokin
Mr Ed


Well-Known Member
You might be able to get gravity to work in your favor as a return instead of running another pump. Just a thought. Then again the extra pump no doubt is providing extra O2 to the water. Not sure which would be better, bigger pump gravity return on 2 evenly sized pumps to handle delivery and return in terms of oxygen levels and water temps. Looks like a good setup, good luck.


Everything is gavity drained back to the control bucket but my res is outside the tent so it has to be pumped back


Active Member
Try flipping your pics before uploading.

As far as adding CO2, your lights should be vented on a closed line. Then, you will either need to cool the tent with an A/C or exhaust air at set intervals. The A/C option will save you large amounts of CO2, but is also harder on the electricity bill.

With two 1000s it's gonna get hot fast, so you'll need a powerful exhaust fan.


Small update... Took some clones of my outdoor vegged lady... Also ordered some good genes G13 labs Pinapple Express, Purple Haze, and Gigabud also got a freebee thats a cross of AK47 and Northern Lights... So im waiting on the mail man... On the other hand my dirt grown lady is doing great but its in miracle grow soil thats in a 20" pot, i dont know the exact volume but it was the biggest lowes had. So i really dont know how much nutes i can add without burning but right now shes getting 1/4 strength every 3 days.
Wish me luck guys
Mr. Ed


And i still cant get my pics streight no matter how i turn them on my computer... Ive got a mac, is anyone else having problems like this???


Shes already filling out really well... Shes been under 12/12 inside for 3 weeks 6 days now so i figure another month to a month and a half till harvest. This is my first plant and im kinda wondering how will i be able to tell when to harvest is there anything i should be looking for? Ive still got the seeds that i ordered but still havent germed them because ive only got the one tent and dont want 2 diffrent light cycles going on.


Little update... As i posted on the 8th i took a clone of the plant thats budding and yesterday it finally started showing roots... Thats 2 days short of a month, i dont think it should have taken this long but im just glad it did... Ill post up some pics when i get home...
Any comments are welcome
Mr. Ed