First hydro grow questions.


Active Member
Hello all, been a ghost for awhile just browsing but in light of recent events I have decided to register finally! so whats up community how yall doing this fine evening? :D

Ok to start off this is not my first grow, I have grown once in the past using foxfarm under 12 CFLs which grew surprisingly well, This is my first hydro grow, however.

My plan is to follow, ALMOST verbatim Mr.Greens EXCELLENT tutorial (I Grow Chronic Documentary Educational Purposes only!) for a hydro setup. (I was kinda dimwitted on the actual pump/tubes/reservoir setup before the video and now I'm kicking my ass for not seeing how simple it is.) That is using two 4x2' trays for ebbflow system on both veg and flowering rooms with 20 gallon reservoirs.

One question is, how to clean the rocks. Hydrogen Peroxide solution and rinse or bleach water and rise (really really rinse)?

But for anyone who has seen the video, I plan to change:

- The Veg lights, going to use the 12 CFLs from previous grow because the lumen and wattage is substantially greater then the tubes. (atleast by my calculations)

- The veg hydro system, I'm not entirely sure which system is more effective A. The drip or B. The Ebb flow system, which is my favorite as it just looks cleaner.

-The HPS light for my flowering room is out, cant afford it. so I will likely again use about 18 CFLs under a 50 gallon tub as a top. The one I already have has 2 computer fans on both sides for air circultion and is laced with gently handled foil (will be getting Mylar for this grow) so the only worry is the amoumnt of energy that it puts out, which I think is the best bang for my buck but please correct me if im wrong.

and thats it, aside from that I dont want to spend over 150$ on the materials and get about a QP in reward (every couple weeks that is >:) )

Any suggestions?

also i'd like to know the brand of nutrients he uses? the RGB stuff. And if noone knows could I get pointed in the right direction?


Active Member
Just got all the materials for both of my systems, working on the lights at this hour..

Still need to setup the systems and get the seeds and nutes.

suggestions on nutes appreciated.