first hydro grow-hempy buckets need some help please

this is my first grow with hydroponics and i decided to go with the hempy buckets technique. there will be pics below. my question is how often do i water with this tek? also i have my sprouts started in jiffy pellets should i break them out of the pellet when they are strong enough or just leave them in it? i think the roots will grow outside the pellet and enter the verm and perlite and should grow just fine without breaking the peat away. the tub i have these in has holes in the bottom evenly spaced to let nutes drain out, for now the tub it sits in to collect the water is not in the pics. i plan on doing these lst style to keep them low and put off the most buds with the limited lighting i have.


Well-Known Member
You only have to water about once a week or less if you've got them set up correctly. Since you added a little vermiculate with the perlite, water will wick up to the little roots so no worries there. And yes, you can keep them in the pellets.

Edit- but way too many sprouts in too little space. Best to have a separate container for each plant but if you stick with multiple then I would give each sprout a square foot of space.
You only have to water about once a week or less if you've got them set up correctly. Since you added a little vermiculate with the perlite, water will wick up to the little roots so no worries there. And yes, you can keep them in the pellets.

Edit- but way too many sprouts in too little space. Best to have a separate container for each plant but if you stick with multiple then I would give each sprout a square foot of space.
yeah i started eight of em to increase my chances of getting females, im gonna cull all but two, maybe only keep one im not sure yet. i got a buddy thats sending me some BC seeds so im gonna make another one of these tubs for those, these are bagseed from some good midgrade, btw, dont remember if i said that. thanks for the advice man!
well, heres how this one turned out so far. at one time i had four total in this tub, i cut down two early because they werent doing well in such a small space, i harvested one short little indica that matured a few weeks ago and has since been consumed. after i culled the two sickly ones and harvested the indy i let this one stretch out in there and upped the light. theres approx 230-240 watts of 2700k cfl's, with a fan running on high to keep the air fresh, lower the humidity and make stronger stems. this plant is actually one i thought was a runt. it turned light green, and looked sickly but i decided to experiment and learn about topping so i cut it between the second and third node and fed it some zoom flower food and put it on a twenty four seven light schedule for a good three weeks or so, then into twelve twelve with the ones in the tub. this one took a lot longer to show flowers, im gonna let it go two more weeks, that will be about 84 days old, then start flushing for a week, that will be ninety one days. then im gonna do the complete darkness thing for two days then harvest, paper bag dry, then mason jars to begin curing. ive had a ton of fun watching this one grow, i almost culled it along the way a couple times so its extra sweet! the buds so far sometimes have a nice skunky/pine smell, and sometimes almost citrusy. nice bit of crystals forming and i hope the coming swell brings lots more. i added some bone meal today but it may be too late to get the benefit of it, i had mistaken blood meal for adding sooner so it got blood meal when i should have added bone but the buds are nice lookin anyway.


o yeah, the medium is vermiculite, perlite, and some jiffy mix. fed with quickgrow nutes from ebay, with a little added pelletized chicken shit and some bone and blood meal. ive got two tubs now, one tub contains some seedlings that are on a twelve/twelve schedule from seed. these are all bagseeds btw, im gonna be trying my hand at cloning this next run. the ones that do really well in the twelve twelve from seed will go on to be bred and the ones that do poorly will be tossed. im gonna make a little enclosure to put any male i get in to collect some pollen. cant wait till harvest, this is only my second grow, first real attempt at it, the first time all i had for info was a crude blackberry internet page from and needless to say it turned out crappy, i had no idea how to top or when and i ended up with straight lanky four foot tall plants with no branches and shitty buds, lol. having the net has mad a huge improvement to my skills i would say!