first hydro, gonna need a walkthrough


Well-Known Member
checked in today and found out that the back row of the girls in rockwool were a little high up and weren't getting any of the two back there was completely dry and very wilted. so i got ph'd water and soaked the bottom, it's been a few hours but she's not looking much better, i hope she pulls through, needless to say i'll be keeping the2 on the back row (if they both get better) in the middle spots cause those don't seem to have the same problem


Well-Known Member
just cleaned the entire system, put fresh water in with nutes, but it's tap so i'm gonna let it sit for a day before i run more water on my ladies. they're all lookin good cept for the runt that i let dry out, but even she looks better.

some of the roots that have shot out the side are brownish dying i think? i hope it's no disease or anything but all the roots shooting out the bottom of the rockwool are white and healthy sooo. we'll see. pics soon


Well-Known Member
What they lookin like, sb?? Your last couple of posts had things sounding kind of questionable......... How often you got the cubes contacting the bottom of that rw??
I was in the hospital for the past 6 days and most of my hydro experimenting failed but I have 49 clones in a dwc cloner--all with roots!, so I 'll be keeping my soil up for another run until I get things figured out.........


Well-Known Member
cool yea. i just found out my two chocolate thai's are hermie..not so bad but i don't want to let em pollenate the rest of my babies, my diesels are lookin so damn good! F. idon't know how long i can wait or anything. arg i thought all was well. hydro is looking good tho i'll take a pic now


Well-Known Member
i'm going to cry. i have hermie's :wall: not too many seeds and i'm already so far along in flowering, i think i'll have to just finish strong and hope there aren't many more seeds. this is from my soil grow but i don't care about anything else now that i know this is happening. DAMN. anyways, hydro is looking good, pics



Well-Known Member
....yes, the hydro is looking very good-they seem to grow twice as fast!! Sorry to hear about the hermies(will the seed be any good?, or is there high chance of it being hermie as well??)


Well-Known Member
i don't know i hope the seeds aren't more likely to have hermied, but i hear they do. i'm looking to get a lot of choc.thai seeds as well as some mixed w/diesel and some mixed w/blueberry. i don't know i guess i'll try em but i have cloning and all that taken care of so i don't really need to

BUT back to the task at hand. they're growing great looking really good buuuut i just found some powdery white stuff on the rockwool. i know the green algae was fine and i've been covering the rockwool with that white cover...i hope this isn't too bad for em?? know what it is and what i need to fix it?


Well-Known Member
.........hopefully you just have a build-up of might try a spray mix of h2o2 and h2o.............

Played with this today and got her done and 2 kids in her

it's a 10 gal with 2 -6" air stones directly beneath the 5" holes...... I got a new dual air pump for a 30-60gal fish tank.........seems to kick ass........

.....and the 2'x3' flood/drain tub I was telling you about.........experimenting with some SS clones and hydroton a few different ways

<------49 place bubble cloner on top----MoonFlower roots after 2 weeks

.......and, yes, I still have a bit of soil action going on
SS @ wk4


Active Member
with that bubler i got the same hook up but i got 4 in a 18gal some told me to change them into 8-10 gal !! any way do u need an extra res for bubbler or can the roots just chill and buble in the water/nutes and justchange that every 10 day??? im lost


Well-Known Member
I hand dipped rw net pot for a while, just a min or so and wow it took off. I hear rw flood is a few min. 1x a day at lights on. Thats what I did, worked like char. I use the system in my avatar now with tire mulch. Gotta flood every 2 hours or death. lol, this thread a lotta fun, cg! Alwasy rock it with the dwc for spare time and clones. Stinkbud has an awesome hydro thread with full on plans for a aero ccloner you guys gotta see. The plans complete step by step in the middle somewhere near the back.


Well-Known Member
bump bump........what's up there, sb??? Did I run your thread over with my pics?? Sorry man...................


Well-Known Member
haha no worries i love seein what you're doin over there i like seeing how i'll be able to make my own for so cheap after this premade oen is gone. just bought a 150w HPS for 30 bucks, waiting for it to come and add it before i flower the hydro, they're all lookin good though i had to top 2 so the canopy would be closer to even, although there is still a runt and 2 somewhat shorter ladies. halloween tomorrow headed to Santa Barbara so it might be a few days...but yea! harvested my soil chocolate thais and got 38 grams after choppin off all the seeds and stuff, i still have a bunch of shake for hash, and i'm thinking i'll get at least that much off my two diesels , each , which i'm going to cut down any day now! sooo hydro's been the back of my mind for a little while, but i'm still keeping my eye on em! anyways, updates (fairly) soon!


Well-Known Member
.......okay, no excuses(except for hash making and the 'Chop-Chop' we know you have going on:hump:) and we'd really like to see how your kids in the system are coming along.......bongsmiliebongsmilie

So when you get a chance..........:weed:

I am about to get my girls in the dwc out to my 12/12 room here in a couple of days.........

Have a great week, sb!!



Well-Known Member
man just lookin at the space you have to do soil in makes me salivate! your hydro is workin out then?? seems like you've got a lot going on and one way or another you'll find something that works the best, i'm sure. . . but MAN what i would do if i had that sorta space!

alright...seein as i haven't posted pictures in over 2 weeks i do need to get on it. . .


Well-Known Member
.........well, waiting on those promised pics:hump: haha. You must be up to your elbows in the sticky!! Any luck with the hash?? How did you do it?

Well, here's my two dwc girls(SS) that need to go 12/12 asap
that was on the 4th
Here's from 5 mins ago
Too dark of a pic with the cfl's off, but you get the idea..... They're about 10-12" tall and very stout.
Cool low branching-- I will trim away the little shit from here on out.......these are 5" net pots.......

Root pic.......they're much whiter than they appear here

So I need to get these out of here and to the 12/12 room tonight or this weekend.....and change out the res. I am using GH's Flora series on this attempt and I have Canna's Aqua series I 'll run my table with....:hump:

So when you going 12/12 with your dwc??

Have a great weekend sb!!:joint::bigjoint:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
ok so some updates.

pic 1: chocolate thai
ppic 2: diesel . i kno both soil grown but thought i'd show off a lil bit.

then i forget the order. but i just ghetto rigged a reflector outta the box it came it for my 150w HPS. it's just cardboard and mylar hahah. but the entire thing cost me $40 so i'm stoked.

threw out the two Blueberries. flowered another one and saw it's male preflowers, so had to kill a total of 3. the good news is that it wasn't my fault they were all hermie, it's the stupid dispensaries fault.

alright i'm all hungover and shit. gonna take a nap. happy saturday



Well-Known Member
......looking very good, sb! That bud sure looks tasty!
So they are in flower now?? I still cant say I 've seen a system anything like that. Do the roots go into that next level down??<---so you cant really move the plants if you want? Then how often do you flood that level and for how long??
I just finished a dwc to veg 12 3" net pots that have fresh rooted cutting in them--so I didn't get my 2 place dwc moved to 12/12 as I had wanted to today......but I got the bubble cloner all cleaned up good and ready to rock again......

So I hope your hangover is fixed---you know how to do that dont you? haha-->bite the dog that bit ya! Just wishin I could get hangovers anymore.......

Have a great one!!


Well-Known Member
naw, the roots are actually just barely poking out of the rockwool, i thought they were gonna hang down but so far it hasn't been a problem.

i flood for 5-10 minutes a day, seems to be enough. the nutes i'm using say 'transition 1 tbs per gallon of veg nutes and 1 tbs per gallon of flower nutes' i felt like this was a little high so i put 3 tbs of veg and 4 tbs of flower for 5 gallons. anyways after 'transition' it just goes to only 1 tbs per gallon of the flower nutes, so it makes me wonder about frying? watered for 2 days with nutes like it is tho and no sign of burn.

oh man you're pics are so helpful growinman i'm definitely gonna construct one of my own after i get a few more soil grows under my belt, i now see how it really isn't that difficult (not taking anything away from you, i'm sure it takes plenty of work) to make one myself,..

stupid kid that let us borrow his hydro kit wants a oz for our trouble...we're borrowing the 250w MH and dwc from him .... the only reason he gave it to us was cause he was trying to grow in his attic and fried the shit outta em, so it's not like he could really use it anyways...considering i'm going to be gone around 2 weeks during flower i'm scared they're not gonna make it anyways, so this kid might be in for a letdown, hah, anyways i'll deal with it when i get to it.

and yea, i kno about the whole secrecy thing, feel bad too but he lives an hour away and is real tight with my roomie, who's helped fund me from the start sooo...

can't wait until it's just me all stealth like...

alright well day off today YAY i'm gonna go..hmm. have some fun. wake'n'bake!:mrgreen:

pic of the ladies on the ground :-? while i was changing the water. it's been every 14 days about and they haven't seemed to mind, but damn the water was gross when i changed it


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: glad to have you. Plants are lookin mighty fine if i do say so myself, only been in flower about a week. even though i'm doing everything totally amateur style it seems to be working! as long as i check on em everyday i'm feelin pretty good! hmm first big test comes thanksgiving time ... i've got to fly out for 4 days and let my roommate check on em every day or two...until then here are a few pics,

skinnier branchier ladies are the choc.thai. they turned hermie 6 weeks into flower about in my last grow, but i think that may be due to light leaks, so i'm keeping a close eye on them. the two shorter stouter ladies are on the right directly under the MH, better genetics very hardy and some good buds! flowering for them in soil was like 9 weeks though.

learnin a lot along the way, i'm definitely going to build my own hydro after this! this premade shit sucks hard :cuss: but i'm gettin it done!bongsmilie

