~ First Hydro Experience, Blueberry ~


Just wanted to update! 5 days from last post. This must, just be how Hydro grows! FAST AND BIG!!!! I'm still using CFLs, and I believe I will just continue too! They are doing a great job. These plants are growing fast, big, and healthy! What more could you ask for? If it ain't broke , don't fix it! Right? So I will just add more as they grow, to fill in empty spots! I added a new light to the collection. Home Depot had these 63(300) watt CFL that put out 4200 lumuns each for $14 bucks. I think I will just stick with these from now on. They are monsters in size! But 4200 lumins more for $14 buck. I jumped on it!!!! I only have 2 pics. One just shows how big the fan leaves are getting. The other is just a over all! Enjoy, will see you guys soon.......

PS I wanted to make a correction. I'm surprised no one caught that as well. LOL The bulbs I use for veg Are 5600K, The flower bulbs are 2700K. I had it back words on first post, and no one questioned it! Hmm.... I do remember writing the post. I was a little medicated, if thats what you would like to call it! LOL ;)



Ok, it's been about a week from last post! Little more, I guess.( :bigjoint: ) Let me see, OK, 27th day of flower! (I have learned throughout my experience. Harvesting on cirtain amount of days is unreliable. Just give's you a time frame of harvest! Trich's tell you everything!!!!) <<< Only lesson I'm handing out today! Remember it! :lol: Any how, here are some pics of progress from last week. You can see the one pic has tape measure on it. Fan leaves are really getting to be big. I DONT trim these tho. I use wire ties to bend em out of way, so bud sights get direct light. I also wire tie some of the shoots, here and there to ensure best possible lighting. I also managed to pick up a small microscope from Radio Shack. (I have seen these through out different sites for Trich reading!) I agree, a must have, and for only $12.99. A 'must have' investment!!!! <<< Bonus lesson. :lol: I believe that is all for now. Please reply with questions, debate's, suggestions, or just simple critism(sp) (Good or Bad) Thanks guys. Till next week......

P.S. Last 4 pics are just random bud site.



Sorry guys, MY BAD! Today is actually day 24. Dont know where I got day 27 from. Maybe I should grow more, and smoke less! :)


2 days later... Growth spurt in flowers finally takin off! :) this would be day 26 of flower. I have takin some of the shoots and wire tied the closer to stalk. To bring them closer to lights, and give lower shoots more chance at light. I am happy. Sorry guys, didn't realize caps were on. Any how,here are some pics for ya....

