First Harvest


Well-Known Member
I've been out of smokeable pot for a while now. I decided to harvest one plant early. As soon as I got the buds trimmed and hung a friend dropped by and gave me a 1/4 oz of blueberry kush. That's some mighty fine smoke. It's slow to hit, but it hits hard. So now I'm one toke over the line

Picture's that good...Picture 230.jpg

The blueberry had some seeds in it, but small ones in small quantity. I think it was grown from hermie plants. Even so, it hits just fine and I've decided to grow some soon.

So one of the premature white widows is already strung and hung. Actually, I just poked holes in the cardboard and put the stems in. This holds the buds away from the cardboard so that there's better air circulation.

Picture 226.jpg It's probably 1 1/2 or 2 oz when dried. I've already smoked a few popcorn buds off that plant and they were very potent. When I finished trimming off the leaves, I burnt the resin off my trimmers and got a good buzz.

Picture 228.jpg I'm going to try and get some hash out of this. I don't have scales, but that's about 1/2 of the trimmings and a lot of popcorn buds in there. My guess is about 1/4 pound.

So, that's my first plant harvested and 3 better ones coming in three more weeks or so.

I don't have a picture yet, but I'm working on a 10 spot bubbleponic system that should be up and running tomorrow. It's almost done except I forgot to buy some tubing from the hydro store. I'll post a picture in a new string when I get it done.

Happy growing.