First Harvest Ever! (CFL content inside)


Well-Known Member
So I chopped down one of my bagseed beauties today after exactly 8 weeks of flowering (9 weeks 12/12). I used the radioshack 60 - 100x scope check the trichomes and decided to chop it when they were mostly milky so i could get an uppity high. Anywho, final wet weight was 180 grams. So I'm looking at 60ish grams dry? Plant was barely 14" tall and was vegged for 4 weeks before 12/12. I think i did pretty well for a newb, but couldn't have done it without RIU's help! THANKS!!

P.S. I split the main cola in two, and it's the 2nd pic. Closest bud weighs, 58.8 grams, and the 2nd weighs 72 grams.



Well-Known Member
Damn that thing looks like a giant fucking green smokable bat lol, good job. Did you say you only used cfls?


Well-Known Member
WOW thats pretty impressive, your first grow and on cfls to boot, congrats there bud. hope she smokes good :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
CFL Power! +Rep. I got 2 currently going with CFLs. I should have another 2 in a few days.
But badass harvest! :weed:


Well-Known Member
How many lights/what wattage? ...placement?

...and what nutrients?

Nice grow man!
lets see... For the 12/12 cycle i used 5(five) 42 watt 150 incan. equiv, 12(twelve) 23 watt 100 watt incan equiv, 3(three) 68 watt 300 watt incan equiv, and 2(two) 9 watt 25 watt incan equiv. So about 700+ watts of CFL POWAH!! They were 3-320 degress of lights covering the plant top to bottom, but i have 3 other plants that are nearly ready as well. Used fox farm ocean forest soil, with peters all purpose plant food, and sugar in the raw natural cane sugar with natural molasses in it.


Well-Known Member
lol thats probably the most cfls i've heard of so far. do you have a pic of them set up with the plant? I like to tie my plants down and keep them short with cfls, but it sounds like you had a monster?


Well-Known Member
shit it was the smallest one! it wasnt even 14" but the buds are dense as shit. I have one thats about 26" tall and im hoping to get 3 oz off but it wont be done for another 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
nice ass grow man!! the one thats 72gs should dry out to about half an ounce. thats how much my colas weighed from my first grow. and they dried up to about a half ounce each. but yours might be more since you said theyre dense... just a rough estimate :) good job man