First Guerilla Grow Multiple Strains In The UK Check It Out

Ok guys so iv grown cannabis a couple of times indoors and had nice results and one of the best smokes iv had in a long time but iv been forced to move back home so i cant grow indoors anymore so iv decided to grow outdoors this year and give it ago iv seen a lot of good and bad comments about this in the UK due to the whether not being great and unpredictable and what strains to go for my plan is to find a few spots and plant around 50-60 plants in total i know it seems alot but hey i might aswell make it worth while i can think of a good few spots but i just have to check them out as for planting them im going to buy a lot of compost and dig out holes and fill each with 20l of compost at my sites the plants will have been indoors for about 2 weeks getting started prior to this now i know what your thinking 50-60 plants sh*t that's going to be a lot of work haha i know im not looking forward to carrying all this stuff about especially all this f*cking compost lol but hey iv got nothing else to do and i will have helpers and i really enjoy growing so why not and im not missing out this season.

So the strains im going to be doing are as follows iv not got alot of the seeds yet but im going to sort that out asap so hopefully this is what im going to be growing.

The Church x10
Purple Power x8
Hollands Hope x10
Exodus Cheese x9
Purple Maroc x4
Diamond Girl x5
Auto mazar x4
a couple of regular big bud seeds
7 regular afghan seeds
got 1 lemon skunk plant out already

Iv picked these seeds very carefully and really thought about it and iv finally made my mind up and got a nice few strains together so lets see what does best nearly all of them are mainly indica so shouldn't do to bad i hope im just praying for a good summer and not to much rain but we all know what the score is on that im going to be topping and keeping all of the plants low not only for detection but to get a good few top buds and get them like bushes i don't want no 8ft Christmas trees with a lot of lower growth that's not doing anything lol they will all be getting Bio-Bizz Grow & Bloom and will be fed about once a week depending.

So tell me what you think guys and feel free to make suggestions if you think i have mentioned anything wrong or whatever im no expert at growing outside so please give me your feedback and any help would be very much appreciated iv spent the last month looking into this but you can never know enough i will update this as much as i can and try not to be one of these people that never finishes the log i have 4 starting now going to get another 14 going within the next week and sort the rest of my seeds and grow sites out so i will post pics once i have time and stuff sorted out