First growth, new beginning


Well-Known Member
I try to water every 3 days.. The roots need air just as much if not more than they need water.

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Every 3 days seems abit much to me, i mean my plant is about 3-4 weeks old and ive only waterd about 2-3 times


Well-Known Member
Every 3 days seems abit much to me, i mean my plant is about 3-4 weeks old and ive only waterd about 2-3 times
It all depends.. I water when 2" from the top feels dry.

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well just becareful not to overwater the plant, as this can cause problems, good luck man (':

i notice your considering the F.I.M cut, i tried that on my grow a week or 2 ago, i failed it aha and just cut the leaves, i just went with the top, its so much easier and seems to recover quicker, also you can just top again so perhaps if your a new grower topping would be the way to go, also LST is very easy and will really help your yield, all you need is abit of string and celotape, ive gone through this on my journal if you wanna check it out


New Member
Every 3 days seems abit much to me, i mean my plant is about 3-4 weeks old and ive only waterd about 2-3 times
That statement is really changing my outlook on the amount of water it needs to grow well. Thank you, I would have watered more than needed. jart also made it clear, maybe i should treat all my plants this way. i have a few flowers, green stuff, bulbs etc. I start germination tonight, and work on case :)

Thank you


New Member
well just becareful not to overwater the plant, as this can cause problems, good luck man (':

i notice your considering the F.I.M cut, i tried that on my grow a week or 2 ago, i failed it aha and just cut the leaves, i just went with the top, its so much easier and seems to recover quicker, also you can just top again so perhaps if your a new grower topping would be the way to go, also LST is very easy and will really help your yield, all you need is abit of string and celotape, ive gone through this on my journal if you wanna check it out
zac I've checked it out, will try LST, bend, once it's tall enough. What is topping ?

Thank you!


New Member
My 4 week old is doing really well with no water for 3 days now, I'm thinking of increasing its light input again today :)


New Member
Good evening

I went and got everything I needed, sockets etc, and the pc case grow box is done. All I need now is for the seeds to germinate, and I'll plug it in. I've posted images, I hope it's all done right. The two top bulbs are hooked directly to the power socket, with a switch on the ext. cord. The third bulb you see in in an inverter socket I had laying around from fishing trips, turns 12v to 220v for a bulb of max 40w and it's connected to the ATX power supply, and so is the fan. All bulbs are just for sample, I will be using white bulbs, 6500k, for vegging of course. By the way, is that blue spiral CFL good for anything? The PSU is rigged to turn on when the power switch is set to ON. Air is blown IN by the fan you see, whilst the PSU fan sucks the warm air from the top part. I used sheetrock to make the ceiling, and bore holes in it for the bulb sockets. I also bought soil, I wasn't able to find soil that contains NO nutrients, it has NPK nutrients and a 5-6.5 PH range.(will this do for seedlings?) It's mostly vegetal matter, contains Perlite, and I'll add another 20% of it. I'll also mix 20% of my mole soil to it, since it worked well when my 4 week plant was a seedling.

I've also changed the bulbs on my 4 weeks old plant, both are now 30W CFLs. Another thing I got was a soil probe which measures PH, Light and Moisture (only to find out the moisture is still fine -green zone- at root level, after 72h of not watering!!!), but the lumens went from 1200 to over 2000 at soil level.

I'd like opinions and comments, if any of the stuff above isn't on the dot :)

Thank you !

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Well-Known Member
My 4 week old is doing really well with no water for 3 days now
I water once a week on 6 week old plants in a 2 liter container. Every Monday after lights on. Currently mainlined for 16 tops and soon to be 32 then outdoors to the ground.
Personally I let em really dry out. Forces roots to search for water aka grow a big healthy rootmass.


Well-Known Member
Good evening

I went and got everything I needed, sockets etc, and the pc case grow box is done. All I need now is for the seeds to germinate, and I'll plug it in. I've posted images, I hope it's all done right. The two top bulbs are hooked directly to the power socket, with a switch on the ext. cord. The third bulb you see in in an inverter socket I had laying around from fishing trips, turns 12v to 220v for a bulb of max 40w and it's connected to the ATX power supply, and so is the fan. All bulbs are just for sample, I will be using white bulbs, 6500k, for vegging of course. By the way, is that blue spiral CFL good for anything? The PSU is rigged to turn on when the power switch is set to ON. Air is blown IN by the fan you see, whilst the PSU fan sucks the warm air from the top part. I used sheetrock to make the ceiling, and bore holes in it for the bulb sockets. I also bought soil, I wasn't able to find soil that contains NO nutrients, it has NPK nutrients and a 5-6.5 PH range.(will this do for seedlings?) It's mostly vegetal matter, contains Perlite, and I'll add another 20% of it. I'll also mix 20% of my mole soil to it, since it worked well when my 4 week plant was a seedling.

I've also changed the bulbs on my 4 weeks old plant, both are now 30W CFLs. Another thing I got was a soil probe which measures PH, Light and Moisture (only to find out the moisture is still fine -green zone- at root level, after 72h of not watering!!!), but the lumens went from 1200 to over 2000 at soil level.

I'd like opinions and comments, if any of the stuff above isn't on the dot :)

Thank you !

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Looks pretty sweet man! I don't know if that blue cfl will contribute to anything

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New Member
I water once a week on 6 week old plants in a 2 liter container. Every Monday after lights on. Currently mainlined for 16 tops and soon to be 32 then outdoors to the ground.
Personally I let em really dry out. Forces roots to search for water aka grow a big healthy rootmass.
Thanks for your input, Monkey. Would a watering schedule of once a week work on new seedlings as well ?

Thanks again!


Active Member
A local grower gave a few personal tips. Set-up a watering schedule, not to water, but to check for water. 3 times a week for the first month of life, 4x a week for second month, 5x if past the 60 days. Nutes every 3rd watering, as a seedling (1 week old minimum) start at 1/16th strength of recommended dose, then raise it to 1/8th strength, then 1/4th strength, then 1/2 strength. Never go higher than 1/2 strength. According to "Joe", this will help the plant progress through it's cycle of life gradually. Also, he said cfl's for new sprouts keep at 3-5 in away low light until the sprout is a seedling then move 2-3 in away and add more light.gradually raise the light (or lower the plant) until flowering time. then move 12/12 light cycle. Good luck.


New Member
Nutes every 3rd watering, as a seedling (1 week old minimum) start at 1/16th strength of recommended dose, then raise it to 1/8th strength, then 1/4th strength, then 1/2 strength. Never go higher than 1/2 strength.
Thank you for advising Mello, I will want to try that scheme on one of the 2 seedlings, and compare. By "recommended dose" you mean what's written on the bottle ? Or is there a special recommendation for Cannabis? I have some flower nutes, and some green plant nutes, which I use for my other plants in the house. The NPK on the green plant nutes match (or almost match) the recommended 3-1-2 or so for Cannabis. Of course I'll not nute the seedling until at least 10 days of age, don't wanna force anything on it. Mainly because the soils I use are at least 50% organic, therefore have naturally been nuted.

Will post pics tonight if seedlings are ready to be planted.

Thank you


I think LST is deffiently a good thing to do, its also very easily and will really benefit your yield you aslo cant really go wrong with it, as for topping, As you know the plant will grow vertically up with one main cola ( one main stem where you get the big bud) well if you "Top" the plant ( basicly just pinching or cutting some of the new growth out) The plant will Creat 2 main stems ( colas ) and will also become more bushy (horizontal ), So you will have more BUD and more of a bushy plant rarther than tall plant. You should defiantly search into it.

Heres a picture of my plant its; Topped, LST and Defoliated View attachment 3019020

If you look at the top of the plant, its stopped growing up as one main stem, and its split into 2 main stems and it also allows me to grow more bushy as hight is a issue


New Member
My plant is looking a little bit ill in that picture haha because ive just defoliated it ( removal of leafes, ) ill put a picture of it before the defoliation where it looks alittle better View attachment 3019024View attachment 3019025
Bro it looks awesome. Nicely done. My plant is growing bushy like a bonsai, but staying short. So I wouldn't be able to do anything to it just yet. The time will come. I want to clone it, too. I've been reading some, and I want to flower a clone to check sex, then if it's female, propagate it with clones, because it's a real sturdy plant, stays low and grows in width. Here's a pic, it was planted on valentine's day, so it's 25 days old. It has 3 nodes. I have watered it tonight, after 4 days of not doing so.



New Member
Hi bros,

I checked my seeds, roots were 3mm long so I went ahead and planted them, root up, they're in the grow case. The March 10th Twins. See photo below. The 2 light colored seeds did not germinate. However, they've turned darker and swelled. I'm giving them a chance, they've only been in there for about 40hrs. If they grow roots, I don't know what I'll do with them. running low on space. :)



New Member
Hi everyone,

My plant is now about 6 weeks old, and I was wondering if I should add any 2700k CFLs to the three 6500k CFLs that are currently in use. I've kept it on a 24/0 schedule, using 2 CFLs above the plant and 1 CFL at soil level, in order to get some light under the leaves. I want to keep it in veg state for a while longer, so I will keep the 24/0 light schedule, but should I add some 2700k CFLs as well ? Or should I keep it under the 6500k's only ?

Thank you


Hey bro, would like to see some pics of your grow (': , I would say that the more lights the better! and im sure every one would agree, so if your able to add more lights then go ahead, more lights = more yield