First growth, new beginning


New Member
Hello everyone. Over the past 3 weeks I kept reading forums and advice as a Guest, I feel it's time I tune in for good, I like rollitup and what it stands for.

I attempted growing last year, and got a male - destroyed. It was long, thin, withered and ugly, because I didn't know anything at all and just treated it like I do most house plants :)

This February I got some weed and found a seed, and since I really like that herb I decided to give it another go. Germinated in water in 24h, just before st. valentine's day, then kept it in a small 0.5L pot with two 6500k cfls, in baked soil, and it did well I think, after 15 days it had it's first 2 sets of leaves above the cotyledons. So 3 days ago I transplanted it into a 5L pot, with a 2cm layer of Perlite and sand at the bottom, and a 30/70 perlite/soil mix. I've also been using an oscillating room fan to move it a bit, because the stem was kind of thin, but it's gotten some muscle now and is sturdy. Today I noticed it's not really growing in height, close to not at all , but the top leaves are looking nice and getting larger. I may have covered 2cm of its stem when I repotted, for support but still I remember last year's male sprouted a lot quicker in height. I'm in no rush to see it tall, I'd much rather go for the short and bushy, but I believe some advice and info is in order. For one thing, being a bagseed, I have no clue of its type, name or even if it's a sativa/indica. It now has third group of leaves growing, this time it isn't a pair, there are 4, and this would be the third node if I'm seeing it correctly.

The set-up: indoor, basement, small room, about 6m squared, bagseed, 3rd-4th week of veg growth under two 6500k CFLs(18W, philips) makeshift (white paper) lampshade around the two CFLs. Watered daily around 10pm, and left in the dark for 1-2 hours only after watering( don't know why I did that but .. I did and then didn't wanna change things to avoid stress), with a humidity level of 45-60%(i have a humidifier in there) and 24C-27C temps(I also have a mobile AC unit in there with exhaust going outside thru a vent). I've added these pics with a pack of cigs next to the plant so the size can be judged right.

DSC_0328 - Copy.jpgDSC_0327 - Copy.jpgDSC_0324 - Copy.jpgDSC_0323 - Copy.jpg, under 20/2 light about 4-6 cm above the plant, with a

The questions: All pertaining to veg state, I don't wanna get into flowering stage talk until I successfully have a nice plant I can grow or even clone.

-What strain/family is my plant? I want to know this so I can take better care of it by type. If it's indica, I read that might be why it's short and seems to gain height slower.
- is my plant ok by most standards? The stem is purple and has some hairs on it, some cilia.. Is it too bushy on top, should I drop the lights laterally on its sides?
-Im giving it about 50-100g of water per day, partially poured around the stem(i didn't think to pack the soil down a bit, and it sank about 3cm due to pouring), partially misted on the outer soil and also very slightly on the leaves. Is this enough water? Can this be why it's a shorty? Is it ok to mist the leaves? I'm using perhaps the purest bottled drinking water in eastern-europe, safe for newborns etc. It's what we drink in the house.

- I've never to this day added any nutrients or additives to its water or soil. Should I start? Which ones, not by brand, but by ingredients/content?

-Is it time to start the light/dark time cycles? How do I know when it's time? I've bought one of those programmable sockets, mechanic type with little levers. On what schedule ? If you consider my plant to be too short for 3 weeks age, would rising the lights 4-5cm encourage it to gain height?

-Is FIMming an issue at this stage? I do want to do it, when the time is right. My aim is a 60-80cm plant, so short but stocky obviously. I've also read about bending to sprout vertical colas, would this strain support that? At what point in time? Will I be able to clone this plant? When ?
-what other advice can be given to improve its chances of being a female? and finally, when will I be able to tell its sex?

I feel I have to ask all this, even though most of it is answered in various forums, sometimes not in the same way, and I'd like to just stick with one direction and not grow an "iffy" plant at random. I left it to chance last year and got an ugly male :)

I know it's a lot of asking, but I promise to only ask one thing once, I keep notes and stick to the program. I've nothing to give to the community at this point, but if I ever do, I will.

Thanks, your help is appreciated. :weed:


Well-Known Member
They still make Kent cigarettes? I havent seen them in ages. :)

I dunno man, a couple things-
It doesnt need watered every day, that looks like a big enough pot for a baby, its never going to take up all that water.
Also, IMO its too young to think about any nutes for it yet.
Lights either 240 or 18-6 its too young to flip to 12/12 unless you only want to harvest a half ounce.
Be patient and let it grow and dont do anything drastic to it, it looks like it has a good start. -
What kind of soil is it?
Good luck, and if your a new grower, remember less is more


New Member
They still make Kent cigarettes? I havent seen them in ages. :)

I dunno man, a couple things-
It doesnt need watered every day, that looks like a big enough pot for a baby, its never going to take up all that water.
Also, IMO its too young to think about any nutes for it yet.
Lights either 240 or 18-6 its too young to flip to 12/12 unless you only want to harvest a half ounce.
Be patient and let it grow and dont do anything drastic to it, it looks like it has a good start. -
What kind of soil is it?
Good luck, and if your a new grower, remember less is more
The soil I use is the soil that moles dig out of their burrows. It's considered one of the best, most nutrient types of soil for house plants in my part of the world, I got it from a friend in the countrysides who collects it in large bags and lets it dry out. Its consistency is like tiny round marbles, maybe 2mm in diameter. Plus the 30% Perlite mixed in.

I've read that ash is used as an ingredient to soil for plants. I smoke hookah daily and use coconut organic coal, hence have a few kilos of ash at any given time. Is it usable? I heard instances of mixing it in the misting water or mixing the ash directly into the soil, or just placing the ash on top of the soil, to be drained in when watering. Any advice on this issue?


New Member
They still make Kent cigarettes? I havent seen them in ages. :)

It doesnt need watered every day, that looks like a big enough pot for a baby, its never going to take up all that water.

Good luck, and if your a new grower, remember less is more

Btw, 50/100g of water equals about 1-2 shots worth. Bar shots. You saying that's too much ?

Does anyone have an idea whether it's a sativa or an indica ?


Well-Known Member
They still make Kent cigarettes? I havent seen them in ages. :)

It doesnt need watered every day, that looks like a big enough pot for a baby, its never going to take up all that water.

Good luck, and if your a new grower, remember less is more
Cob is correct.
Stop watering everyday...counterproductive at the very least.
That size container and your tiny plant should not need even one drop of water for at least 5 to 7 days.
Your lights are wimpy... see if you can move the plant a little closer to the lights, or get some brighter bulbs.
Do not worry about the genetic composition of your plant until it is much larger and nearing flowering time.
Don't worry about fertilizer until your plant is bigger as well.
Good Luck


New Member
Ok so it stand as sound advice then.. I thought he may not know of grams or may have misread. Thank you both very much, I'll start skipping one day for 4 days, then skip 2 days of watering and so on, see where it takes me. I suppose the plant will droop if it lacks enough water, to let me know. As all plants do. By counterproductive you mean less bud? Ouch ! I will also add a third bulb socket today or replace one of the CFLs with a bigger one.

Thanks again!

Still no ideas on strain ? Btw in the past 2 days it's gotten bushier, leaves catching size :)

DSC_0329 - Copy.jpg


Well-Known Member
By counterproductive you mean less bud? Ouch ! I will also add a third bulb socket today or replace one of the CFLs with a bigger one.

Still no ideas on strain ? Btw in the past 2 days it's gotten bushier, leaves catching size :)
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By counterproductive I mean that you are restraining more robust, vigorous growth...your plant simply does not need to be watered every day, and based upon your description of the soil used, no need for fertilizer for a couple more weeks.
Good move to acquire another bulb, but get as high a wattage as you can find.
No worries, as you are doing well for a first of luck.

BTW, your plant seems to be more indica than sativa.


Well-Known Member
Asking to name the strain from beginning growth is like having a glass of coke then asking if I can tell what brand it is..

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Well-Known Member
Asking to name the strain from beginning growth is like having a class of coke then asking if I can tell what brand it is..

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Ha ha ha...that is too true!!


New Member
Okay bros, tyvm. It's not getting any water today, and tomorrow, very little (topsoil mist). Then I'll start watering every third day and see how it does :)

I guess the most pertaining question is next, when will I be able to tell if it's a girl, I wonder ? Is there anything I can do to influence the gender, at all ?

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Okay bros, tyvm. It's not getting any water today, and tomorrow, very little (topsoil mist). Then I'll start watering every third day and see how it does :)

I guess the most pertaining question is next, when will I be able to tell if it's a girl, I wonder ? Is there anything I can do to influence the gender, at all ?

Thank you.
Listen I hate to sound rude.

If you don't know how to sex your crop you honestly need to adopt the idea your plant will die. Plants show sex roughly 7-14 days after flower stage is initiated. It varies per strain but this is usually the go to.

Also if you wanted to know sex before you flipped you could take a cutting and flip it into flower. That would let you know. Best of luck and get to reading!

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New Member
oh boy. okay, you're not sounding rude at all bro, i'll take your words into account and once it's big enough I\ll wanna try this cutting bit. For now though I;ll worry about the watering and lighting bits, and have it grow strong. In the meantime I may start off two more sprouts, I'm hoping. Thanks for your input, it's appreciated.


Well-Known Member
oh boy. okay, you're not sounding rude at all bro, i'll take your words into account and once it's big enough I\ll wanna try this cutting bit. For now though I;ll worry about the watering and lighting bits, and have it grow strong. In the meantime I may start off two more sprouts, I'm hoping. Thanks for your input, it's appreciated.
You are a good person. My knowledge is limited but with a mature response like you gave I'm welcome to helping you with anything you need.

I'd recommend extra sprouts. "Back ups"

When my first batch died I was ready to give up.. I wasn't ready for failure. Not gonna lie it taught me a lot that I didn't know!

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New Member
Hi again,

I guess it's time I take you up on that then :)

As stated earlier I was hoping to get some good bagseeds, and I did, along with some real good bud. Hyperactive stuff, nice though. So if it's good, then I assume the strain is good too, worth trying to grow. Four of them, 2 light beige and two dark brown with black spots. The way I germinated the first one was to let it sit in a dark plastic cup with water, in about 25C temps, for 24h (lights on/off randomly) then I saw it swelled up nicely (retained water) and placed it in a humid paper towel inside an unlocked ziplock, inside a cardboard box in the same temp. It grew a 1cm root in 48h and I planted it with the root upwards. If this process has any errors in it I'd like to know.

I want to have a high as possible survivors out of these 4 seeds, to increase the chance of getting a female plant. What is the female/male ratio around, does anyone know? Should I plant them in small 500ml-600ml pots to control the soil environment easier ? Or go directly for 4L-5L? Shouls I stick to CFLs or go for the long white incandescents. What are T8's?

The male I got last year and destroyed, as I wrote in my initial post, was grown inside a pc case grow box i made but I didn't read enough on that and used only yellow lighting on it. However the case is still here, aluminum foil all over the inside walls. I can fit 2 CFLs in it, and cool them enough to maintain 25-26C and a steady draft of air. Not sure about humidity but I can put a wide cup of water inside or just keep the grow box in the same space as my basement humidifier, and it will do fine I'm sure.

I dont think I can fit more than one sprout in the grow box, maybe just for the first 3 weeks, then when I repot into larger pots I'll have to move one out.

I have placed the 4 seeds in the water cup and left it alone for now. If I get any advice, I'll be sure to use it.

Btw, it has been raining for 4 days now, water coming down clean. Is it woth saving some, a few liters? Would it be better than bottled water to feed the plants with ?

What type of soil should the seedlings be put in after rooting ? I assume organic flower soil types, spongier vegetation composed soils ? Less clay more vegetal matter, maybe mixed with 30% of my mole dug soil and 30% Perlite?

Thank you all for your help.

Peace :)


Well-Known Member
Hi again,

I guess it's time I take you up on that then :)

As stated earlier I was hoping to get some good bagseeds, and I did, along with some real good bud. Hyperactive stuff, nice though. So if it's good, then I assume the strain is good too, worth trying to grow. Four of them, 2 light beige and two dark brown with black spots. The way I germinated the first one was to let it sit in a dark plastic cup with water, in about 25C temps, for 24h (lights on/off randomly) then I saw it swelled up nicely (retained water) and placed it in a humid paper towel inside an unlocked ziplock, inside a cardboard box in the same temp. It grew a 1cm root in 48h and I planted it with the root upwards. If this process has any errors in it I'd like to know.

I want to have a high as possible survivors out of these 4 seeds, to increase the chance of getting a female plant. What is the female/male ratio around, does anyone know? Should I plant them in small 500ml-600ml pots to control the soil environment easier ? Or go directly for 4L-5L? Shouls I stick to CFLs or go for the long white incandescents. What are T8's?

The male I got last year and destroyed, as I wrote in my initial post, was grown inside a pc case grow box i made but I didn't read enough on that and used only yellow lighting on it. However the case is still here, aluminum foil all over the inside walls. I can fit 2 CFLs in it, and cool them enough to maintain 25-26C and a steady draft of air. Not sure about humidity but I can put a wide cup of water inside or just keep the grow box in the same space as my basement humidifier, and it will do fine I'm sure.

I dont think I can fit more than one sprout in the grow box, maybe just for the first 3 weeks, then when I repot into larger pots I'll have to move one out.

I have placed the 4 seeds in the water cup and left it alone for now. If I get any advice, I'll be sure to use it.

Thank you all for your help.

Peace :)
I'm a bit lost. If you can post questions specifically. Sorry for the hassle

Root upwards? You want to plant it where the tap root is facing down and the seed is at the top. It'll grow up through the soil. Probably plant it 2-4cm deep.

As far as germination I get a plastic container, take two paper towels, run them through warm water, then place one on the bottom of the container, put seeds on it, then cover them with the remaining paper towel, and finally put the lid on it. I check daily until I see taproots. Once i do I plant them. I used cfl to veg until my led light came in. I wouldn't recommend trying to grow with only 2 CFL's. For vegging you want 2 6500k bulbs for every 2700k bulb. There is no real ratio to male/female.. You also need a humidity gauge and temp gauge(winging these won't cut it)

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New Member
Roger that, bro I am going to also set up a micro grow in the pc case, for sure. Let's see how many will sprout, the light colored ones aren't sinking in the water cup. I let the seeds sunk in water for 12-24h, then move them to a ziploc bag, wrapped in wet paper towels inside a cardbord box to keep dark in there as they germinate.

About the root direction, when planting I place the seedling with the root tip facing up, so that it has to turns downwards on its own in order to then be able to lift up the seed and push it upwards. When I repotted the plant at 3 weeks age, I found the root beneath the steam with a number 4 shape (without the diagonal line, more like a chair, had formed in the root structure, when it had to turn itself downwards. You have to admit, that confers the plant a strong resistance point. It's like a paperclip, holding steady, hooking the soil. I didn't invent this, I read it on threads. The root wants to do that, it's a nice workout.

Thanks for keeping up man, I appreciate it :)


New Member
Mist the leaves in the morning, evening one day. The next stick your finger about an inch in the pot. If damp mist lightly again for another day. But check in the evening. When it gets its first true fan leaves, give it some fish emulsion and quarter strength. Don't worry about increasing it for now. Wait till there are leaves about 3/4 inch top to bottom. then increase to 50%. Good luck.


New Member
Good morning

As I suspected, the light colored seeds which were also very light in weight compared to the two darker sisters, are still floating and are probably not worth anything. But the two dark ones are sunk to the bottom of the cup and have swelled up so I'll commence in placing them inside a cardboard box to germinate. My 3 week old plant is doing well, didn't water it, didn't even mist it last night, and it looks happy so I'm gonna skip watering it tonight, as well.

I'm going out shopping for quality bulbs today, and a few fixtures I thought of. I'll be back with news and pics as soon as I have something to show :) Either way, there'll be quite a lot of off-topic issues, such as a pc case grow setup and so on, hope it's ok as long as I keep it all here on my thread. Happy woman's day to all your ladies, moms sisters and so on, March 8 is woman's day :)