first growroom questions


Active Member
hey all, so its my first grow and I have a few questions about my growroom design. I'm going to be using a closet that's about 11x2. I hope to have up to 8 plants flowering at once so my first issue is moving the air. I'm fortunate because I have a 5" dryer exhaust vent that leads outside in the celing above my closet but I'm worried hooking up a fan to it will make too much noise. I dont want to give my upstairs neighbor anything to be suspicious about. Anybody have suggestions on super quiet fans? Second question is what would be the ideal way to control odor? I'm looking for something relatively cheap. I was looking at an ozonator but dont want it in the same room as my plants. Could I stick it in the vent and let it clean the exhaust air? Would people walking by be able to smell anything? And my last question is I'm running a hydroponic watering system do I need a bubbler in my resivoir or could I get away without it? Its made out of a 20 gallon rubbermaid tub. Sorry about the lengthy post. All help is greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Lots of quiet fans out there, do a google for "Quiet fans" and see what u get. Good odor control would be an activated carbon filter, you can make one yourself.You DO need airstones and an air pump to bubble them in your res.


Well-Known Member
Gonna be 910ths of a bitch growing in that tiny rectangular space. ONLY 2 ft of width? You wont be able to fit anything and still have acess to it.


Active Member
Thanks man...I think I'll do a combination of a carbon filter and an ona device. I was hoping for zero smell so we'll see. My room has two doors across the length so I've divided it into two rooms (modeled after mr. Greens room in his video) and I'll be focusing on the vegetative section first then the flowering room. I'm almost done with one room and my seeds should be arriving soon so I'll get pics up here shortly