First Grow!

Bobby Long Buds

Well-Known Member



These posts may help you get that tent producing more buds per square foot. Next grow that is. Basically anything you can do to spread your canopy out wide and flat because your grow light doesn’t move like the sun. Well actually your light looks like it may be moving like the sun?
I grow will be much different....
Now I know that I did not trim or shape to keep the plant low.....
No, the light does not move.
Again, smaller light on the left....
TY for the assist.....much appreciated!
Oh, the seeds were from a friend.....not real sure what they are......


The colas are starting to look and feel sticky. the once white pistols are turning brown. Did some major pruning/leaves to help the light get to the buds. Ph on track. Added some Hydrogen Peroxide. Nutes are higher than normal MaxiBloom. Light is on 12/12. Pics for additional comments and recommendations....



Well-Known Member
You definitely need more than two weeks. Next grow chop the main stem off right above the 4th set of branches not counting the very first set it develops. Keep the light directly above the top at all times and adjust to where it’s not stationary at all times. Up/down. Don’t want that stretch like those


Well-Known Member
Not to be a bummer but looking close and it’s gonna be basically all seed. You have balls all over the place I bet. That one cola is literally all seed


Well-Known Member
The tell tell signs for pollinated plants is weird leaf growth above pistils (1 finger leaf) that and lots of seeds.

Pistils will turn brown rather than orange giving the grower false sense of ripening.

Buds will stop growing as the plant will focus on making seeds.


Well-Known Member
My suspicion is light stress has made your plant self pollinate but I need close ups on bracts and calyx’s and to see lower on the plant.