Nice thanks guys. Im struggling a bit with temps im sitting at like 81-83. Ive got the exhaust fan going and 3 fans in the tent. Im not too worried about it now cuz the seedlings need it but here in a little while im gonna want to bring that down for sure. Should i just get an a/c? I can maybe get 2-3 more fans in there but i cant put anything else in the tent unless its really small. Thanks in advance.
With the 2' light I suggested you won't have to worry about it until you turn the LED again.
When your lights are on are you leaving the door to your tent open?
You need fresh air to replace whats coming out of the tent, and remember the inline fan should be pulling air from the top of the tent and have a window open or door open at the bottom. Hot air rises and cold air falls. so air on the bottom is always coldest/cooler
With the 2' light I suggested you won't have to worry about it until you turn the LED again.
When your lights are on are you leaving the door to your tent open?
You need fresh air to replace whats coming out of the tent, and remember the inline fan should be pulling air from the top of the tent and have a window open or door open at the bottom. Hot air rises and cold air falls. so air on the bottom is always coldest/cooler
Yea its a passive intake. 2 of the flaps at the bottom of the tent are open and the fan is at the top. I can keep the door open while the light is on for now, but as soon as they're in flower thats not an option. Thinking about getting a small a/c and just keeping the temp low in the room the tent is in. Only problem is thats my living room lol.
Yeah but the problem with lowering the room the tent is in lower than the inside of the tent. It will cause condensation to build up on the walls. In turn messing with the humidity in the tent. I mean you can lower the temp some. But if you do it drastically different it will do that.

Edit: Depending on how much you need to lower the outside temp to get ot to lower the inside temp you'll have to check and make sure it' not creating condensation. If it starts raise the temps outside the tent a few degrees. You'll jus have to play with it till you get your spot dialed in. But once you do. You can do the samething over n over. And not have to mess with it. Good luck.
Yeah but the problem with lowering the room the tent is in lower than the inside of the tent. It will cause condensation to build up on the walls. In turn messing with the humidity in the tent. I mean you can lower the temp some. But if you do it drastically different it will do that.

Edit: Depending on how much you need to lower the outside temp to get ot to lower the inside temp you'll have to check and make sure it' not creating condensation. If it starts raise the temps outside the tent a few degrees. You'll jus have to play with it till you get your spot dialed in. But once you do. You can do the samething over n over. And not have to mess with it. Good luck.
Good to know. Ill have to play with it and see what i find. The condensation wouldnt be terrible cuz its so dry in colorado lol no but for real im terrified of mold lol so im def not trying to have the condensation issue. Thanks for the heads up.
A couple of things you could do, move the inline down to the bottom of the tent pushing cooler air in and have the open window/port at the top that'll help push the warm air out, yes I know its pulling it out now, but you have to try different things.
Another thing is if you have central air then you can use one of your vents from the floor and feed that into your tent, it works I've done it before but it really depends on how often your house air comes on.
A couple of things you could do, move the inline down to the bottom of the tent pushing cooler air in and have the open window/port at the top that'll help push the warm air out, yes I know its pulling it out now, but you have to try different things.
Another thing is if you have central air then you can use one of your vents from the floor and feed that into your tent, it works I've done it before but it really depends on how often your house air comes on.
I dont have central air but i have a window unit right next to my tent. I can utilize that im sure. Im also thinking about buying another a.c for when temps come up. Im in the desert and have hella windows in this little apartment so the sun is really gonna get this place cookin come summer. I've got temps stable for now just keeping the ambient room temp at around 68 the temp in my tent is about 70-73. Perfect so far.
I dont have central air but i have a window unit right next to my tent. I can utilize that im sure. Im also thinking about buying another a.c for when temps come up. Im in the desert and have hella windows in this little apartment so the sun is really gonna get this place cookin come summer. I've got temps stable for now just keeping the ambient room temp at around 68 the temp in my tent is about 70-73. Perfect so far.

I've used a black garbage bag with the bottom cut out, taped it to the vent of the ac and connected the other end of the bag to a 6inch duct and feed that into the tent. It will fix your heat problems.
I've used a black garbage bag with the bottom cut out, taped it to the vent of the ac and connected the other end of the bag to a 6inch duct and feed that into the tent. It will fix your heat problems.
Brilliant. Idk why i didnt think of that. Thanks again man lol im gonna get on that as soon as i get off work.
I bought an a.c yesterday for when summer gets here. Running the window unit next to the tent is keeping temps perfect. One of the critical sprouts had the seed shell stuck to it so i had to pull it off. Her leaves haven't opened up fully cuz of that but i think she'll be just fine. The critical sprouts are short and stout, just the way i like em. The cookies is still a little lanky but hasn't stretched at all since i put her under the l.e.d, but she's gonna get buried when i pot up anyway. her 3rd leaf set is forming and she's looking great so far.
The bottom left is the one that had the seed shell stuck on her. Her leafs haven't fully opened yet. The right one is doing great. The top one is the girl scout cookies.
Looking at the girl that wouldnt open i noticed a really thin layer of something covering the leaves and stopping them from opening. I could see where the leaves were stretching this film and trying to open so i helped em out a bit. I used a clean safety pin to gently pull on it and it came right off. I did it very gently and i think she'll be alright but i hope i didnt stress her out.
Looking at the girl that wouldnt open i noticed a really thin layer of something covering the leaves and stopping them from opening. I could see where the leaves were stretching this film and trying to open so i helped em out a bit. I used a clean safety pin to gently pull on it and it came right off. I did it very gently and i think she'll be alright but i hope i didnt stress her out.

Yeah that happens about the seed not wanting to pop off, some people are sticklers and say never touch it. But I've done it several times with no issues.
Yeah that happens about the seed not wanting to pop off, some people are sticklers and say never touch it. But I've done it several times with no issues.
Yea i pulled it off and shes doing fine so far. Better actually cuz now her 2nd leaf set is already growing.
I put a few more inches of soil on top of the cookies cuz she was still a little leggy. She's for sure way stronger and stopped reaching since shes been under the l.e.d but i just wanted to give her more support. One of the critical is just a beast, she's doing really well. The critical that had the seed stuck to it is looking a little deformed but she's growing, so i assume its from the seed and i also assume she'll grow out of it.20180220_235946.jpg
Heres the one thats looking kinda deformed. Im thinking she'll be fine, she's just looking a little funny.


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Heres the one thats looking kinda deformed. Im thinking she'll be fine, she's just looking a little funny.

Those leaves are fine, you dont need to worry about the seed leaves now :-) also... a pro tip: For your other plants, when taking photos dont do it under the LED (due to the purple effect) its harder to see the plants real color and condition :-)

Good luck with your grow though dude... I've got some Critical Kush to plant sometime soon too :-)
Heres the one thats looking kinda deformed. Im thinking she'll be fine, she's just looking a little funny.

Deformaties comes from mutations in the DNA strains of different breeds. When you see people talking about F1, F2 etc they are talking about the generation i.e. F1 is the first generation of combining 2 different strains. It normally takes several generations to breed out those mutations, and typically that doesn't happen much anymore.
With that said, don't stress about them, the newer growth will straighten out as it grows. Normally its one fan leaf or one finger from a leaf, if thats the case don't worry about it. IF all the leaves are showing something then hop on google or here and check it out.