First Grow

Oh you can have too much fan. I have a can fan pro 863 CFM 8" fan. Waaaaaaaaaaaay too much fan for my 4x2x6 tent... even on the low setting. Which is more than double the volume of yours.

There are many schools of though on this. Some say to exchange air 5 times a minute. Some say to exchange air every 5 minutes. I like somewhere in between.

I personally think that 100 ACTUAL WORKING CFM (not necessarily advertised) would be fine for your 23 cubic feet.

Buy a little more than you need, don't go overboard like I did.
that's your opinion.
according to my calculations, he/she needs about 300 cfm and that fan you linked is 200.
as I stated, always buy more fan than you need. 6 inch is a better choice.
No, I try not to offer opinions when people ask for facts. Up until recently I was using a 4" in a 48x48x78 with 4 times as many lights as what he will be using at it worked wonderfully for me. If 6 is a better choice why not 8 or 10 or 12? A 6" fan and filter would overwhelm a tent that small. He has this tiny tent with low height 6" would take up too much room.
Thanks guys for the input! I'm thinking Monday I should be getting seeds. I'm going with a 4 inch fan and if it seems like it's not enough I'll upgrade. Hopefully the seeds from nirvana will be here sometime this upcoming week.
Well I got the Northern Lights Auto seeds and germinated them using the paper towel and plate. About 36 hours into germination they both had popped and had almost inch long taproots. I planted them into the pots. One I have put directly into final pot. The other I'm going to repot as needed. See what the difference in yield is like. I'll post pics soon.
I just finished 3 Nirvana NL autos and i got right about 10oz off of them. I really enjoyed that strain a whole lot. If you can grab another of those 300w lights i think that would be much better. 1 per plant.
Yes because each will get full coverage with 2x 300W in theory or go for a 600W version it doesn't cost that much more and then you can decide to either combine them cause VIPERSPECRA can link from one to the other so you have a total of 900W or just keep the 600W in there.
The PAR600 version of the 600W Reflector has a dimmable light but costs $70 more just for that but the stats are the same.

Most economic solution would be one more 300W but more watts = greater yield and based upon coverage.
I'd suggest 600W Reflector same as your 300W version. So being a space of 32" by 20" by 62" You now have about 50% light coverage based upon that 300W.
The 300W only gives you 1'5 (17" >)Coverage for flower and around 2'(24">) for veg, so for now keep them as close as possible in the middle directly under the light cause it's a 90° light.
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