First Grow


Well-Known Member
Heres some pics of my 2 best plants now at about a month and a half, the diesel in the first 2 and the mango in the third. the diesel is looking almost perfect, and i had to tie down the mango caus its gettin too big for my grow box. The mango is getting some nice side growth now and is like 1 foot tall, so im gonna put it into flowering in about 2 more weeks, so i hopefully have 1 plant done in like mid summer



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone sorry i havent been on for a while but ive been mad busy since i put my plants outside. anyway, theyr still only about a foot and a 1/2 tall and still dont have any flowers or preflowers. WTF?? I know they have shitty lighting but they should defnitly have flower s by now. Im gonna move them and fertilze them on friday but i dont know what the hell is goin on. has this happened to anyone before?