First Grow


Active Member
I had a chance to take a quick look at the plants today and they seem to still be doing well. The smallest one is continuing to do better and better. I think she might turn out pretty good after all.

However, I didn't have a chance to take any pictures today. I will make sure to get some new pics up before and after I do the transplanting.


New Member
yeah id move them farther apart just in case .. but remember its not too good to transplant your plants too many times cause shock may stunt growth .. what i did was kept my plants in the cups outside that way i can move them where i want and also did that cause i had to get them out of my house and i thought they were too small to be putting in the ground


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would deffently reccomend you get some superthrive before you transplant again. Water them with superthrive after you transplant.


Active Member
ok, i started my first grow 1 month ago, lets call it 4-20-ish, i have 10 started.....hopefully a few females will show up. 100% outdoor grow.....its now a 3 way comp..............



New Member
not bad diggity .. mines still sprouting .. i started WAY too late but im just gonna see how well it does come harvest time .. i think i might start a grow journal .. idk need to get a digital camera that is mine .. not my mom's or anyone else's .. i dont think that will happen so i might end up using my mom's or an older one no one uses anymore .. who know but good luck on ur season dig


Active Member
ok i have 8 doing pretty well, and 2 that are lil runts. will post pics soon. yea lets just help eachother and pray that we yeild a good harvest. cant wait to sex these little bitches.........


New Member
i have 3 that are doing well .. one that is stretched and wont stay up (im owrried about it) and 2 lil sprouters .. i also put one germed seed in some soil today so let's hope it does well ... i had two that were doing well also til the squirrels get them but i built a cage to fix that problem ... so let's all hope we get some nice ladies in our bunch and hope they are some big ole fatties with massive buds