first grow


Active Member
I have read up on so many forums, I just want you to tell me if this process would be good.

Germinate and start like 15 plants under 5 CFL's ( what watt?)

Once they get roughly 5 cm tall put them outside in dug holes with dirt other people specified

dont start fertalising untill about a month

water about every second day

Sound good?


Active Member
I'm not sure about the watts for the lighting because as soon as I was done germinating, I just planted in soil that looked good in the woods. Seemed to work for me, I have 22 plants sprouted up a couple inches, and going to be planting hopefully 35-50 more.

Watering, I wait until the top of the soil starts to get crusty, then I water, but I bring a jug of water with a plastic cup with holes at the bottom and poor water into the cup so I don't accidentally over water, helped me plenty of times.

The fertilizing sounds about right, not too sure, I'm also on my first grow. Just trying to help a bit :blsmoke:


Active Member
I'm also a first time grower and I have many questions on my mind. I was given two kush plants from a buddy who could not grow them, so I couldn't let those go to waste. lol I'm growing the two outside and I'd say they are over a month old. I've been using jamaican bat guano as a fertilizer but my problem is that both plants have been given the same treatment, and one is taller with a thicker stem and wider leaves. I want to transplant the plants soon and was wondering the best method of going about that, any help would be appreciated.. thanks!

Pics comming soon...