first grow


Hello I have been reading on this site for months first time poster.
I am going to be starting my first grow in a week or so. I have a 4 foot by 2 foot area I'll be starting with. Couple questions
1 I will be growing ak/47 /whitewidow, under a 8 bulb t5 ho 6500k bulb set up then I plan on switching out 6 for 2700k for flower Will this be adequate lighting for 3 plants.
I will be using Foxfarm ocean forest and all fox farm nuts.
I plan on mixing my soil 50% ffof 30% perlite and 20 % reg non additive soil
Will this be a good soil set up.
Last question I have a inline fan with carbon filter I have no way to vent it outside. My grow area is in a larger room can I just run the filtered air into the bigger room?


Well-Known Member
It all sounds good with me. I don't know T5HO that well but seems like enough. The only issue I run into with bulb CFLs is in flower where they don't get enough penetration. I am adding some side lighting for that.

Yes you can vent into the larger room. That's what I do. It is a little louder than if vented outside, but with my muffler attached it is no problem and I work in the larger room on speaker phone all day.

Be careful with the nutes. Be sure to PH. And remember to think of first grow primarily as a learning experience. Keep expectations low for actual yield.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
8 Lamp T5 HO, in a 4x2 area... will be ok... Like Growindad said, you may need some side cfl, keep lights as close as you can... never let the temp get above 86 f at your plant top tips, and plants sometimes have growth spurts of 1-6" in a day...
On your 8 lamp fixture:
In Veg: 65K on 6 lamps/27K on two
in Bud: 27K on 6 lamps/65k on two...
That seems to be the opinion around here...


Thanks guys. I want to set up a sog eventually but want to get my feet wet first.
Ive got 2 more 2 bulb 4 foot fixtures I can add during flowering for side lighting.they are t5 fixtures from homedepot.
The room Im growing in is probably 12x14 concrete on 2 walls never gets above 65 degrees in the bigger room .