First Grow


Active Member
hey everyone. was just about to start my first grow (trying with about 60 bag seeds) i live in the northeast, so i think about early may would be the best time to put plants out.

ive been thinking about starting them early indoors early, around now. is there any benefits for sprouting them now and letting them grow for about a month? the only reason why i came up with the idea is because ive heard about people putting out seeds in the area, and when they start to sprout something eats them.

i kinda just wanted to know what kind of lights and how many i would need just to start to sprout these (hopefully) girls.

also what kind of soil would you all insist on me using? im a total noob and want to do everything right. so any help would be appreciated. thanks



Well-Known Member
ive been thinking about starting them early indoors early, around now. is there any benefits for sprouting them now and letting them grow for about a month? the only reason why i came up with the idea is because ive heard about people putting out seeds in the area, and when they start to sprout something eats them.Delta96
Yeah, this is one very good reason for starting indoors a month ahead of planting weather.

Everyone here seems to love any of the Foxfarm soils, I haven't tried any of them yet, I've been using a Lowes store brand mix, It's worked well for me.


Active Member
thanks, ive been reading up on nutes and all that fun stuff. if i dont use any nutes and just feed them water, what kind of results will i get. is it worth getting nutes the first time?