First Grow...

I am a new member here and i just been reading for a while and I decided I want to start my first grow soon. I have been researching alot and about this and i think i am ready for it. I just had a few questions with buying the seeds. I wanted to go with the Auto kind but i cant decide what strain i wanted. I want it short and a fairly easy plant, if they exist. I want to grow 2 kinds or so so i have a variety. I also wanted to know if there is any good dealers for the seeds on here. where i live it is frowned upon to have weed so i was wondering if the seed dealers will send it to anywhere in the US. Lastly i am growing it indoors with 3 23w CFL 2700K lights.
If anyone can help me that would be awesome!
thanks ahead of time


Well-Known Member
First grow...go with a Indica or hybrid .... stay away from pure Sativa..can be a pain in the ass for beginners.


Well-Known Member
Try to find common strains, that way people on here with the same genetics can help you. Try northern lights, lowryder, white widow..ect.


Well-Known Member
What Bbubblegum said. Find breeders who offer strains that are hardy, maybe something that has a Skunk in the hybrid. The discription will read "good for beginners".


Well-Known Member
do u guys have any recommendations where to get them?
It is really rough when you talk about popular BANKS(do not get confused with breeders) because ones like Attitude because of the mixed review.
The two i recommend are sannies seeds and sea of seeds. Sannies doesn't have a huge selection. Sea of seeds is new and RIU members get 11% off with the code rollitup, they also give good freebies. Give them a try.
ok i have been on see of seeds but i click on auto seeds and none of those types u recommended came up. im doing it wrong i guess. ha i am a complete noob with this sorry
who makes good widows i was looking on attitude and there are a few to pick from? Other than the seeds the only other thing i need figured out is my fertilizer/nutrience. What is a good recommendation for these?


Well-Known Member
go with a brand name. try the canna range. i got them because i read so many people use them and got good results. u may need a few more lights than what u have at the moment.
What would u recommend? There is a deal for 2 6500k 75w and 2 2700k 100w cfl bulbs for 17.99$. What do you think run both 6500k and 2 2700k 23w i already have then switch to the 2 2700k 100w bulbs?


Well-Known Member
I recently got some Afgan Ryder KUSH from Attitude withing about ten days from ordering. Planted the seeds today.