First Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey, I figured if I was going to start growing I might as well get a journal going somewhere, and this is where I ended up. So far it's not much. I've got a 1000w Metal Halide ballast running over two mother plants a friend didn't have room for anymore. Later today I'm moving in around ten or so more clones ready to start veging.

The plant on the left, as far as I was told, is a butter scotch strain of some sort. The plant on the right is a strain my friend called Shack.

There's a few pics of the room zoomed out a little bit more.

I'm not exactly sure what soil blend has been used on these plants. I have a bag of black gold all purpose and a bag of their seedling mix that I plan to mix and use right now. I also eventually plan on picking up some FoxFarm ocean forest and light warrior. I've got another smaller 400w metal halide ballast in my closet I'm just waiting for the fundage to but the bulb for it.

Hopefully a little later I can post a few pics of the clones that are coming over. The two strains I believe I'm getting of clones are Trainwreck and Flow.

Anyways. Advice, comments, encouragement is all appreciated here. That's why I'm doing this.

Also, more pictures than just what I post here will be on my photobucket account. Go ahead and check that out too from time to time.


Well-Known Member
looks like you have the same size area as me...lots of work to do though..check out my's in my signature..:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yea I know my reflector is crap. I don't really have the money to upgrade right now though, and these lights/ballasts were basically gifts so I'm lucky to have what I have. I do plan on having the room covered in Mylar or something similar sometime next week. I'll keep you guys posted.


Well-Known Member
Ok so no pics to upload today. My camera batteries dies out so now I need new ones. I moved my tray of rapid rooters into the room because my seeds started to sprout. I've got a bunch of randoms going but I'm most excited for the 4 hashplant seeds that are going. I also moved the mother in the small bag container into a 5 gallon bucket, I was very careful with it but I'm wondering whats the best way for me to better promote its move to its new home. I'm definitely going to give it a good watering, the friend I got it from was keeping them pretty dry under low light so they wouldn't get too big (his grow room was full) but now that they have their new place under my 1000watt I think giving it a good watering and putting it in that container will get it going again. Tell me what you think. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Ok so I still have no camera batteries to post any pics, but I do have updates. The two mothers pictured above are still about the same, I think the one I transplanted is still getting used to its new container, I just started feeding it last night. However, before the lights went off today I noticed some intruders, spider mites, on that very same mother. So, I hit the Hydro shop today and picked up some Zero Tolerance spray that they highly recommended. If anyone knows anything about this Id appreciate some advice. I also picked up a bottle of FoxFarm grow big, big bloom, a bag of Light Warrior and 2 bags of Ocean forest soil. (I plan on mixing all the soil together in one) I also got some free samples of Dutch Master Liquid Light and Penetration. I was also wondering the best way to apply these. And last but not least I got my other 400w metal halide bulb.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're off to a pretty good start... Are you going to split the room? Have half for veg and half for flower (since you will have two lights any way).
Good luck with your grow!

Peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
I plan on vegging inside my closet next time... and hopefully after this grow or maybe sooner I'll be converting the room and closet to hydro. (just need the cash lol) I'll post some pictures of the room and plants later tonight. I just got batteries but the lights are off for another 2 hours.


Well-Known Member
Picture Update!

All my Nutes and the Pest Control:

New soil I plan to mix for when I transplant my clones and my babies:

The new babies!!!!

Update on the mothers:

Fucking bugs:

Seedlings (hopefully I can get my hydro set-up before these guys get too big):

New 400w Metal Halide added to the set-up:

Ok so now that you see what I've got going any suggestions? The 400 is there for now since I don't have any reason to put it in the closet just yet. I figured the more watts the better. I'm kind of worried about the mites though. The spray I have can't go on until tomorrow at around 12:30 when the lights go out because it's oil based and will burn my plants. That means the mites get to have their go until then, the little bastards. I'm going to go prune as many affected leaves as possible right after this post. The clones I have in the cups are of a mixed variety. I know there are a few train wrecks, possibly a flow, and the others are either sour diesel/sage or strawberry cough. Although I don't know which are which.


Well-Known Member
Well the 400 flipped the breaker. looks like my veg room will have to be in another part of the house when this room turns to flower. oh well, didn;t really need 1400 on them anyways :)


CFL Cabinet Grower
Well the 400 flipped the breaker. looks like my veg room will have to be in another part of the house when this room turns to flower. oh well, didn;t really need 1400 on them anyways :)
I got lucky in my room about the same size as yours. One of the sockets was wired to have its own breaker because it was used solely for a A/C unit. :blsmoke: So I'm running 1600Watts off of it and another 400Watt will be running off the other breaker aswell as fans.

Have fun setting up the room, you sure you want carpet though? :-|


Well-Known Member
Carpets all I got to work with at the moment. Next time I get cash I'm buying a roll of panda film to line walls and floors etc so I think that will help a lot


Well-Known Member
Here's a few new pics. I moved the clones into some bigger grow bags as you can see. I also moved my bag seed seedlings into pop cans lol, and started some Hashplant(2 on the right in the rapidrooters) and some chateneau (3 on the left). Also dropped my light in closer and trimmed/sprayed my infected mother like crazy with zero tolerance spray. Good stuff, most of the mites are completely gone and the plant seems to be happier.

The new seedlings:

Old seedlings:

The clones and the moms:


Well-Known Member
No they're all different. I got all of them at about the same time I planted the seeds. Clones from one guy, mothers from another. I'm just growing the mothers because my friend didn't have room for them, I figure I'll take the cuttings about the time I start to flower the clones and seeds.


Well-Known Member
I would say the butterscotch mother is definitely looking better.;) Nice to see the clones moved to grow bags.


Well-Known Member
One of my smaller clones really took off last night, it's got me pretty excited. I also re arranged the room to get the clones and seeds even closer to the light, I'll post some pics if I can get my camera to work right lol.