First grow

I'm unsure why she would look thirsty I've never let her soil stay dry very long. Pics here in a bit. I've got about 10 fan leaves from the bottom of the plant that have died off. This normal? I'm guessing they just aren't getting good light in the middle of this bush. everything else seems fine!

Also Idk if you guys knows Chemindeuced but he had a short rider grow as well and he had a lot of leaf problems. I've read of a couple other people just having minute leaf problems with this strain but it didn't effect the flowers.

Yea your good. Lower fan leaves always naturally fall off. :D
that yellowing and dying of the leaves like that is something ive never seen, i guess it could be the strain but I would be concerned myself bro. It looks great otherwise, your doing a real good job.
that yellowing and dying of the leaves like that is something ive never seen, i guess it could be the strain but I would be concerned myself bro. It looks great otherwise, your doing a real good job.

Well I've been speaking with a fellow short rider AF grower from nirvana and he had 2 with yellowing leaves out of the 5 seeds he planted...all treated the same way. I'm going to flush her today to make sure everything is copacetic. I believe some of the discoloring was caused by a little nute burn mixed with light burn though. I actually just peaked in on them and it's clearing up. Flushing in about 2 hrs.
Yea, this early there should only be a few here and there. Plant looks amazing. Keep it up.

Thanks man, yeah I'm only seeing them now and then they're barely visible to the naked eye. I found out that that browning on the right side of the top cola is the side facing the bulb, for some reason there's like a heat pocket in that corner of the box I think caused by my outtake fans being too far inward on the box perhaps. I put small screw driver sized holes around the light port to promote more airflow and I think it helped the problem.
a few pistils dying is normal. as flowering goes on older pistils will die and be replaced by newer pistils. if you see mass pistil dying early on and swelling caylxes it is usually a sign youve been pollinated. so sounds like your fine my friend.
a few pistils dying is normal. as flowering goes on older pistils will die and be replaced by newer pistils. if you see mass pistil dying early on and swelling caylxes it is usually a sign youve been pollinated. so sounds like your fine my friend.

Thanks much for this bit. Calyx' are nice and tight thus far and I haven't caught any sign of hermanese(:P) yet so everything seems on course. The rest of the bud sites are catching up to the top cola, I can tell I'll be harvesting it a bit earlier than the rest. I need to go get a magnifying glass. Can anyone give me a rough estimate on time left based on the buds in the above pics? More pics coming soon.
Cool, I was thinking at least one month. Don't trust nirvana's description on Short Rider auto flowers. It says 8 weeks time but based on projection I will be cutting this down around week 12. This is a full months difference. It's still been a good plant thus far - just bare this in mind if looking to grow this strain.
So check this out. I've always been really mediocre with my privacy protection on my computer, while at the same time having always been an avid pirater. Well I got caught for the first time, had my internet access temporarily suspended by my worthless provider (Do not do bidness with Mediacom Digital). Got a letter informing me that the Downloaded Content "Your Highness(2011)" was illegally downloaded onto my computer. Hilarious!

Anyways, just got service back. I've been all over the place without the net, went to Jax and caught the Baltimore game with some family. It was pretty much like watching paint dry slowly. Jags won which was surprising but I'm still a Saints fan. Anyways took my gfs car and left a lot of my stuff in there so pics have to wait until she gets off =\. Also have some sweet snaps from the game with my new lens. All of the leaves on my budsites are starting to get that diamond-sheen. I actually trimmed a few leaves off that were in precarious places blocking a lot of light...let them dry and smoked them about 20 mins ago for fun and actually caught a buzz, I was quite surprised. First joint in about 4 days. I guess it was the wait that did the trick xD.

What's been up with you guys? Sorry this post was all over the place.
just read this whole grow.very nice and inspiring.lmao your short ryder looks great but id just call it a ryder.nothing short about that hot mama.
keep up the great work
post some updates and pictures man! hahah i wanna see your girl grow! ya the flowering time for seeds is always shorter than it should be because its saying the flowering time if ALL conditions are PERFECT; lighting, humidity, nutes, soil, etcetera etcetera
Looking good man! Bloody long read from start to finish this thread lol... For an auto that's apretty damn big plant! All I can say is well played, my last auto grow was a bit of a fail XD

Keep us all posted!