first grow


Active Member
Hey everyone, im brand new to this website, im starting my first grow/stealth grow now! im been doing a ton of reseach and decided to go with fox farm. I love weed and was always fasinated with growing im excited. and i will def need help along the way.
Welcome and good luck. Keep reading and when you cant find an answer just ask. Tons of people here know their shit. Tons also dont so always wait for more than one opinion.
Thanks, i have two quick questions. im putting my seeds into foxfarm ocean soil now, how soon do i need to get a ph up/down kit?
and is it actually straight to order seeds off Nirvana into illinois?
I have ordered from both Nirvana and Attitude with no problem....Attitude took 6 days and Nirvana about 2 weeks so order away!!!
it is always good to know the PH of your water before you use it. What type of water are you using? city water, well water, bottled...

I don't live in IL but i do live in the US and i ordered from nirvana and had a very great experiance. i would order from them again and again!
Good luck with your grow! I'm also starting my first grow and this is a great place to get advice. Almost all questions you might have have probably been answered in the stickies at the top of the newbie page. I've learned tons from there! =]
Welcome man ! It is important to know the ph of your water now . I effed up my first plant because of my shitty tap water it's actually unusable for mj here. I had to start buying ro water so I could keep my ph in check .So now is definatly a good time to figure it out . Good luck !
it is always good to know the PH of your water before you use it. What type of water are you using? city water, well water, bottled...

I don't live in IL but i do live in the US and i ordered from nirvana and had a very great experiance. i would order from them again and again!

im currently using bottled water, i leave the caps off a night before use, im planning on trying to follow the foxfarm nutes grow guild, would that be close enough or should i really get the ph kit? if so how would i make adjustments to the soil

no way how stealth does nirvana send it? so you dont think ill get in trouble if i order seeds to my house?
Really get the ph kit, ph up and down and a ph meter....Nirvana sends extremely stealth so have no worries....if you are growing at your house have them sent somewhere other than where you grow.
You need help with anything just drop me a message and ill share all my expierence with you as a indoor grower.

+Rep For Giving Growing A Start!
- Nice Ol' Bud.
im currently using bottled water, i leave the caps off a night before use, im planning on trying to follow the foxfarm nutes grow guild, would that be close enough or should i really get the ph kit? if so how would i make adjustments to the soil

no way how stealth does nirvana send it? so you dont think ill get in trouble if i order seeds to my house?

the water your using is probably fine but it is still a good idea to get a PH meter when ya get a chance... It doesn't need to come from a hydro store either.... you can get close enough with one of those swimming pool ones. or even the strips that you get wet work fine, in fact I use these to measure my runoff. I have seen some really great grows by people strictly following the FF guide and nothing else. there is a member on this site smelly treez, you should check out his grows. he uses FF through and through with some great yields!

I sent seeds to my house and had them there in 4 days! it was so stealth i almost couldn't find them. there is no way a custom agent would have....
also i just planted three seeds that had the white root popping out, planted em face up, but my soil dried over night, should i be watering the water b4 seeds a lot more?
I have used They are in England and I got my order in 5 days to the US. They ship in a dvd case and put dvd movie on the customs paperwork. Also they ship the seeds in the seed breeders packaging so you know what your getting. Also just your addy on the package. They dont put their name on it to draw attention.
also i just planted three seeds that had the white root popping out, planted em face up, but my soil dried over night, should i be watering the water b4 seeds a lot more?

I'm not sure what you're really asking here... but you never want the soil to dry up on any plant... you want to keep it moist but not wet. sure i understand people let thier pots dry out on the top, that's how they know when it needs water. but the roots should never be in dry soil.