First Grow


Active Member
Ok so this is my roommates and I's first grow attempt. Just trying to get some input on how it may be turning out in your opinions. Here is the breakdown.

Planted seeds September 12th
We are running 9 - 23 watt daylight cfl
started off with 36 seeds all of which sprouted and cut down to 6 now (just random bag)
Running a bathroom exhaust for an intake and also running one for an outtake
As of today they are sitting between 6.5 and 8.5 inches tall

I know it is still probably too early to flower, hoping that maybe in another week to week and a half we will be able to flower, what do you guys think? I have been watering between every day and a half and three days, is that enough? I have been using 24-8-16 fertilizer in small amounts, how often should i fert? Beings its over 5 weeks now, would it be a good time to introduce more CO2?
attached are some pics


Active Member
So our cabinet is about 3' tall by 3' wide and 20" deep. Here are the most current pics of our crop. We are hoping to get two females out of these.


Well-Known Member
they look good so far and for flowering you can start them when they have at least 6-7 nodes at best. as for nutes they seem good but when you do flower make sure u switch to ferts with a higher p rating and lower n rating.


Active Member
can i get a little more feedback and help guys? sorry not trying to sound desperate just want this to work out


Well-Known Member
K well they look good so far , very bushy which is good and can also say that they are probably Indica and not sativa, they look a little droopy how often do you water them ? Also you say u started nov 12th , its only october 14th , You can flower soon if you want in about 2 weeks maybe but i strongly recommend some patience , I flowered for 3 months < i have mostly sativa plants so they take longer but still you should veg longer you will get alot more bud in the long run . If you have the time it will be worth it, if you dont then sure go ahead and bud I cant say how much youll get because I dont know Im fairly knew to this too , im alos on my first grow but i have been speaking with many experienced growers and this is the advice i got. I dont know why your plants look droopy but you may be over watering , I watered about once every 2 days at around 1 month in for my plants, and it worked fine. Im gonna attach some pics for you too look at of how mine look, im not saying , taller is better in fact i wish mine werent as tall because I do not have enough light to reach all the bud spots now , I have a 400 watt HPS for 6 plants , you have a good set up because if they do get tall you can put lights everywhere mine only can hang above. Anyway good luck hopefully this helps , if you have anymore questions please ask because when I asked I got help and this site rocks , good luck


Well-Known Member
looks good

nice with the cfls and soil bags. I just switched over to bags and they are extremely efficient. 15cents a bag, and alot less space consuming.

I flowered my first plant at about the height yours are at.

it shot up to about 3ft by the time it was done.




Active Member
Thanks guys! I started september 12th not november 12th, i think you misread that. They are just over a month old and are starting to show their preflowers it seems. They are sitting in about two gallons of soil and i have been watering between every two to three days or so. I am a very bad judge of how much water they should be getting though. Any advice on how much water i should be feeding these fine ladies? I am working in a small space so i am thinking i should be budding sooner then later if their height is suppossed to double in the flowering stage. So from what i am reading i am assuming that i shouldnt be couldnt leaves, unless they are extremely unhealthy which is what i am doing. Is that right? Also I have been keeping the lights very closely to the plants generally about an inch and a half away to try to keep them short and bushy. Will keeping it this way help with the yield at all? Obviously i am not looking for a huge yield maybe hoping to turn out with a zip to a zip and half from this. I hope i am not expecting more then it will turn out. Only time will tell =)

Dr High

Well-Known Member
YES! poor oxygene intake from the roots leads to that...=( add some perlite dude!(next transplant) Peace


Active Member
thanks man, makes a little sense, i didnt seem to be getting as much drainage as i thought i would be getting. btw nice grow you have me real curious with the cfl grow. how many cfl's are you using for flowering? and keep me informed on the yield!

Dr High

Well-Known Member
i currently have 10 40 watt cfls and 2 26 watters. total of 27 000 lumens for 3 plants and there doing FINE. but next grow im defenitley going for 1000w HPS for around 10 plants. Always go bigger better! Peace!


Active Member
i was thinking of flowering with cfl's but it just seems that after buying like 10 - 40 watt cfl's i might as well invest in like a 250 watt hps system and then through in ike 4 cfl's and it will only be like $50 more expensive. hmmm what to do, what to do

Dr High

Well-Known Member
well compare the lumens and go for the most lumens. its all the lumens ireally care for. i got around 400 watts of< cfls... i want hps:( lol Peace!


Active Member
so i was in a local flea market today and randomly stumbled across a 150 watt hps for $10. I am assuming that this will help when we enter flowering??? i am thinking this and then 4-6- 40 watt cfl's. Is this a good idea, or is that hps not enough watts to even bother with?


Active Member
OK so here is the new light set up... using 6 - 23 watt daylight cfl's and a 150 watt hps light that i found at the flea market for $10 for the first 5 days of flowering, then saturday i am going to switch out the daylight cfl's for 6- 42 watt soft white cfl's hoping that and hps will give em some good umph what do you guys think?