first grow


Active Member
I have a problem one of the plants dont have hairs or balls it has small leaves growing like the point of first growth but starting to form small buds with hairs need some help on this one

well post pics of this situation that i have

all are welcome to help


Active Member
thats what i have been thinking female all the way PLEASE be female.

lets give it about 3 more days then we should have a clear ides of what sex they are


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3007630]Im pretty sure she is female man, congrats[/QUOTE]


thanks bro the buds on that plant are so much bigger now and have hairs all over them. so female WHOOOOOOOP :joint:


Well-Known Member
haha when i say that pic i was like shit there buds already forming, good to kno, any pics, she was already filling in goood :weed:

din'e medicine

Active Member
When you see hairs from the main tops, like white hairs from a small sacks growing at the nodes then you know its a female. As long as every bud or bulb opens with hairs, your doing fine, but if it doesnt, open, you might want to keep an eye on it and cut it off because its a male pollen sack. Your plant can either be a hermi or pollinated from another male around a mile radius. Your plant is nice and flowering nice too....:eyesmoke:


Active Member
looking great man you must keep posting on my thread of your laddies so we can see how they flower and for how long are you using a AeroGarden


Well-Known Member
I would say maybe a month and they will be good, so 3 - 4 weeks, there starting to swell so they should be finishing up soon

here a good graph

get a scope a radio shack too, so you can checc the thrich's



Active Member
the one plant in the AG is ready to harvest so i decided to harvest the big buds on it its about 35% of the one plant and got 42g so far