First grow .


Well-Known Member
Just on the first set of leaves in the picture , one is a little yellow looking at the tip and one has what looks like a little puncture hole in it .
Plants are not going to be perfect. They'll have blemishes, marks, etc... Those plants are fine. Slow down on the watering though. When you get algae growing on the perlite you're keeping them too wet.



Well-Known Member
Plants are not going to be perfect. They'll have blemishes, marks, etc... Those plants are fine. Slow down on the watering though. When you get algae growing on the perlite you're keeping them too wet.

View attachment 5196250
Thanks very much for the tip much appreciated, they in five litre pots and I'm feeding them 1.75 litre of water with my feed every 3 days . Could I just give them half one day then half the next day or will I cut the amount of water ? Sorry I'm a total novice to this ...


Well-Known Member
Thanks very much for the tip much appreciated, they in five litre pots and I'm feeding them 1.75 litre of water with my feed every 3 days . Could I just give them half one day then half the next day or will I cut the amount of water ? Sorry I'm a total novice to this ...
Learn to feed them when the medium is dry, rather than on a fixed time schedule. This is an important step to learn when first starting out.

Good luck.